Relationship Between Running Performance and Recovery-Stress State in Collegiate Soccer Players.

Phenomenal research coming out about collegiate soccer in the new JSCR!. Breaking down the season into 4 equal parts, note the significant changes in running performance from Q1 to Q4. The decrease is shocking in Q4, especially as the team tries “peak”.

The literature does a great job of pointing out the importance of measuring recovery. What else can be taken from these significant results? The absolute NECESSITY of pure speed development in the offseason with technical versus application drills on a specified work:rest ratio for target energy system development (ESD).

Remember In the level 1 workshop, we broke down needs analysis for elite soccer for ESD. With a plan for periodization for optimal targets at various points in the year.

Not necessarily for quantified ESD – but DEFINITELY for various intensities of technical speed drills on a work:rest ratio to target within an energy system. These drills will RAISE the threshold (hence – running Performace) of this “stress” to combat these decreases!

Why is this important?? It’s becoming a lost art in soccer. Specificity is important. Aerobic work is important. However, as this research shows – running performance is crucial. Meaning threshold for maximal Efficiency is way more important. And don’t neglect Anaerobic lactic power!

Use the building blocks to in ALP to have the ability to actually maximize the “specificity”. Use moving claw series, resisted explosive strides, fast moving quick cuts for distance, RESISTED pulley sprints, etc. Put these types of high intense drills on a work:rest ratio to target ALP. And continue this work in season! Maybe bring the intensity down (like a good moving camps series complex w sled marching and A-skip series), but specified ESD zones can still be targeted. And they can be targeted WITHOUT the standards of just scrimmage and the old-school aerobic based Fartlek runs.

Periodization of the ESD zones is vital – and for soccer, the intensity of the drills for increasing threshold in a zone could be the key.


One thought on “Relationship Between Running Performance and Recovery-Stress State in Collegiate Soccer Players.

  1. un extrait sur le blog? je sais pas faire encore mais t’as raonin.Sison cette semaine je vais mettre en ligne mon site V2, enfin! et là yaura un paquet de trucs a ecouter et voir! a tres bientot

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