Speed Box Squat

BPS is constantly publicizing the 4 main aspects of building strength – absolute, dynamic, high-speed eccentric loading and reversal and stabilizing.

The Speed Box Squat with variable loading is the ULTIMATE exercise in developing and maximizing DYNAMIC STRENGTH.  The variable loading is added because of the accommodating resistance.  Meaning that the weight will increase as the lifter goes through the squat up motion as the mechanical advantage decreases.  This will require a higher motor unit recruitment, leading to more efficient progressive overload.  In addition, the variable load allows the client to accelerate through the end range of motion of hip/knee extension; without jumping off the ground (which can be unsafe with a bar on the back).  This will help maximize the DYNAMIC STRENGTH concept.

One thought on “Speed Box Squat

  1. I am missing you guys already.I can’t stop thinking of the site.Thanks AlGoiRos,e,eabxr, Celia and others for wonderful excavation and party dig this year.

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