

landry title

Explosive acceleration strides are great for developing concentric hip flexion power. They are also very important with the first step coming out of a change of direction where reactionary hip flexion is crucial. The speed and efficiency out of those first few steps on a change of direction are very important and this drill overloads that stimulus. You can also add a pulley or any type of resistance to this drill to intensify the entire system. We do this drill on linear speed days as it’s a great form of overall acceleration.

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Click here to watch the video demonstration by Dolphins WR and BPS Client Jarvis Landry!

Essential Exercise Sequence to Prep for COD

The BPS CAMPS (CNS Activation & Muscle/Joint Preparation Systems) has a subdivision of SST (Suspension / Support / Trunk Systems).  SST Contains a Series called the Hip External Rotation Series.  This is crucial to prep for all multi-directional movements, SPECIFICALLY COD (changes of direction). Think about when you execute a sharp COD, and your COM (center of mass) has to get low to the ground. Think about the combination of hip flexion with hip-external rotation that occurs when moving OUT OF this COD. Simply put – the more ROM (range of motion) of hip flexion combined with hip-external rotation that can be controlled – the more efficient you will be in executing these types of COD.
Also keep in mind that the numerous variations of COD will have varying degrees of hip flexion / hip external rotation. However, that combination of hip movements will almost alway occur during COD. Our Hip External Rotation Series in the BPS CAMPS – SST Prep system specifically develops this motion.