Articles – Advanced –

Implement The Basics

Trunk / Spine Isometrics. Seated

Standing, Split Stance, Half Kneeling (supported or unsupported), Half Kneeling Alignment. can go all 4 directions on the trunk. Or Single Arm (SA) – (Fwd or Bck)

Shown here SA Seated (primary focus spinal rotators isometrically.

The trunk rotation strength has numerous ESSENTIAL aspects. Shown here; w MLB for rotary patterns. Any other sport w heavy rotatory motions (softball, boxing/combat, tennis, golf, etc). General fitness / wellness for right / left symmetry for proper joint health and optimal muscle function

But take it a step further with regards to SPRINTING (or jogging or running). It’s obvious that on multidirectional motion, pelvic approximation leading into spinal rotation is important. But what about straight line linear sprinting.

Think about what happens with the leg cycle ar a max effort Sprint (especially one that comes close to or exceeds 20mph). When the leg comes through recovery phase (backside mechanics), the MOMENTUM of that leg motion puts emphasis on the spinal lateral flexors. Hence if the spinal lateral flexors are strong enough isometrically , they can withstand this momentum force. If NOT, it can drive that side up into a “hip hike”, causing a sub-optimal over-stride. The REASONING that Band Iso Trunk (lateral) is so important – strengthen the spinal lateral flexors.

Now, take this concept a little further. When the leg cycles from recovery to transition phase (and eventually into ground prep phase), the MOMENTUM of that leg action puts emphasis on the spinal rotators. Hence if the spinal rotators are strong enough isometrically, they can withstand this momentum force. If NOT, it can drive that side into a “pelvic rotate”, causing an extreme oversteps. The REASONING that Band Iso Trunk – SA is so important!

So this goes beyond simple “trunk strengthening”. This cam also be a extremely EFFECTIVE prep IMMEDIATELY prior to intense max effort sprint work.

Bone Growth-Youth Development

Here might be the most commonly asked question a strength & conditioning professional must answer to youth athlete parents.


“Will my 13 year old child (or younger or teenager) have a stunted growth from lifting weights?”


It depends.  It depends if the athlete is exercising biomechanically correct or not.  Stunted bone growth may occur when the open growth plates located at the ends of bones become damaged.  Damaged open growth plates can happen for various reasons, which include an injury from sport or poor exercising technique.  For example, if a 12 yo athlete playing soccer sustains a trauma to the knee in a soccer game, he/she could incur growth plate damage around the knee.  Another way an athlete can sustain growth plate damage in the knee would be biomechanically incorrect weight-bearing exercises.  Say a 10 yo athlete is front squatting and during every repetition their right knee caves in with a valgus moment.  If an expert S&C coach is not there coaching the athlete out of these poor mechanics, overtime knee growth plate damage might occur before the plate close.  However, most youth athletes will not experience growth plate damage from training or in sport as long as qualified professionals are monitoring exercises.

It’s important to develop youth athletes through sport and training participation because their young bodies and minds are like sponges and we want them to learn exercise technique and proper nutrition before they may learn bad habits.  To avoid growth plate damage in young athletes, their training should be focused on light loads (body weight or light weights) so they can learn the intention of each exercise.  When an athlete is below the age of 13 yo, they benefit tremendously from learning proper biomechanically correct exercise techniques and become strong through a long amount of isometric exercises.  Before weight is increased for the youth athletes, volume and isometric times should be increased substantially so proper technique is reinforced and the athlete naturally performs exercises biomechanically correct.  These exercises may include squatting, pressing, pulling, running, and jumping.  Typically we find that athletes starting to exercise around 5-8 yo will become strong enough and biomechanically adequate for progressive resistance training when they reach 14 yo.  Also, at this point, the growth plates are still open/undamaged and these athletes will start peak height velocity (puberty). 

Surges of hormones, including testosterone, are beginning to flow through the athlete naturally.  This is the ideal time for athletes to exercise with heavier resistance and advanced plyometrics.  With the surge in hormones and advanced strength and conditioning volume combined, the athlete will experience hypertrophy of lean muscles, increased bone density, length, and girth as well as other bodily tissue growing.  Sometimes, an athlete will grow rapidly and the muscles become stretch so fast that the brain has a hard time communicating to or controlling the muscles during this growth.  In this case the athlete will become clumsy or uncoordinated (you may have this seen this with young basketball players).  However, if during this time that same athlete were in a proper training program, especially involving isometric exercises (pillars or infant squats), their muscles would remain strong and would not become as clumsy.  During this time of puberty, the athletes’ recovery time will be much more rapid allowing them to endure progressive amounts of volume from day to day and week to week. 

To some it all up, participating in unsupervised training or with unqualified coaches could potentially put youth athletes in scenarios that could damage growth plates.  Again, few youth athletes experience stunted growth and damaged growth plates and these rare occurrences from improper movements should not detour youth athletes from exercising young.  The benefits a youth athlete receives from intelligent training and sport play are far too valuable to be passed up.  There are many brilliant minds and a plethora of scientific research that shows bone growth will be improved (sometimes more than genetics had planned) rather than stunted through biomechanically sound youth training.  Depriving a youth athlete from proper training before, during and after their peak height velocity is doing that athlete a major disservice and could potentially cause that athlete to never reach their full genetic potential. 

For more information join our BPSU and go research and study the work of Istvan Balyi (an expert in long term athlete development).


We’ve been approached by countless people over the years with the same standard questions about fitness, training, and overall health. These questions get asked by everyone: people who train themselves but are advanced and experienced, beginners looking to get started, even high level athletes.

1. What is the best way to lose weight?

2. What is the best way to get toned?

3. What is the quickest way to get “in shape” for just general, overall good health?

There is countless ways to answer those questions. However, one specific answer that will relate to all of the above “common questions” – Power Endurance and Variety within the Power Endurance cycles.

Power Endurance
Strength can be easily by understood by how much weight can you lift. Power is how fast you can lift a particular weight. Power endurance is how long can you sustain a particular level of power output. It has been proven in numerous scientific studies that Power Endurance intervals is the most efficient way to lose weight, get toned and increase our overall cardiovascular fitness.

For all you people that are timid of “lifting weights” or you just prefer alternative exercises: your body weight is a weight (hence, body weight exercises can be very effective if done properly); a resistance band is a weight; air resistance (like on the KEISER machine) is a weight. These types of weighted resistance can be very effective at providing good solid intervals for Power Endurance.

There is literally thousands of exercises that can be done for power endurance with body weight, air resistance, and bands. We are going to focus on three effective exercises that can be incorporated into any Power Endurance Circuit

Keiser High Rotation
Set a comfortable resistance, choose a power output level, and then try to maintain a certain percentage over time. All of this can be seen on the digital readout on the Keiser Machine.

From the start position, drive through the resistance in the rotation shown as fast as possible, return to the to the start position and repeat.

Time on: 30 seconds
Time rest: 30 seconds
Total sets: 10-20 (5-10 each side)

Band Low Row
Choose a resistance band that you can comfortably perform the low row action with maintaining good form and proper posture. Set the resistance level accordingly (how far you anchor the band to your body). From the start position (thumb down), quickly row the band towards your body rotating your thumb up. When the hand touches your rib cage, return to start position and repeat.

Time on: 10-30 seconds
Time rest: 30-60 seconds
Total sets: 10-20 (5-10 each arm)

Body Weight Explosive Step
Choose a box or bench height that you can safely perform the Step-Up action. From the start position, place your foot flat on the box (careful not to lift your heel), and then explosively step up onto the box/bench while driving your opposite knee up. Return to the start position and repeat. Alternate your arm action into the “running motion” as you perform the step up and return.

Time on: 30-60 seconds
Time rest: 30-60 seconds
Total sets: 10-20 (5-10 each leg)

“Abs of Steel”

Whether your goals are to strengthen your abs to be “ripped”, or not, having “abs of steel” will benefit any athlete or any person.  Having strong abdominal muscles along with a strong posterior chain will improve performance.  Performance could mean in sport or just general physical well-being.  Most of our abdominal work at BPS is performed with a slower tempo (232 or 323) since we want our abs under a lot of constant tension to stimulate growth and strength.

Below are 3 trunk & spine exercises that are a must for abs of steel.

  1. Stability – Side Hip Bridge (or Side Plank)
  • We can really target the lateral abdominal muscle to help further sculpt your abs and stabilize your trunk and spine.
  • First, assume the side hip bridge position.  Either with knees bent and on the ground (for beginners) or legs straight and on the lateral edges of your feet.
  • Place the elbow directly under your shoulder with your palm firmly face down on the floor.
  • Maintain a “big” chest and keep your head and toes pointing forward
  • Simply isometrically pause for a progressive amount of time
    • HINT: close your eyes and visualize your abs contracting.
  1. Strength – Reverse Crunch
  • This is an advanced exercise that will ensure “abs of steel”, if you can safely reach this level.  We recommend increasing volume with the previously mentioned exercises before exploring the reverse crunch.  However, this exercise may be progressed as well.
  • Lay in a supine position with the top of your head about 4 inches from a sturdy fixed object like a support beam or heavy bench. You will use the bench or pole to grasp with your hands for support during the exercise.
  • Next, bend your legs at the hips so the bottoms of your feet are facing the sky.
  • Now, push the small of your back into the ground so your abs contract and move the bottoms of your feet directly straight up towards the sky without letting your legs drift toward your head.
  • Again, this motion should be slow with a pause at the top and move slowly back down to the starting position.
    • Progress this movement from going straight up to slightly away from the head and up.  The farther you push your feet away from your head the more intense the contraction will be.  Once you can push your feet almost directly away from your head so your feet are only 10-12 inches above the ground you may progress further.  Now you may be ready to start by pushing your feet straight towards the sky then without returning to the start position lower your legs and feet until they are 10-12 inches from the ground and return to the position where your legs are reaching for the sky.
  1. Integrated Strength – Lateral Landmine Rotation
  • With this exercise you will be able to train your abs to contract through the entire range of motion while the trunk and spine undergoes rotation.
  • Here’s how: Place a standard Olympic bar into a “Landmine” or a crease so the bar doesn’t slide on the ground, yet the top end of the bar can move.  Place the bar in your hands so it is in front of your hips (the barbell be coming from your left side in this position).  Keep your left palm facing up and your right palm facing down as your grabbing the bar.  From here, keep your arms straight as you rotate the bar up and your left.  Once you slowly reach your end range of motion slowly return to the starting position.
    • HINT: never release your abdominal contraction during the rotation, not even at the bottom starting position. 
    • Progress repetitions, sets, and resistance

**For full video demonstrations of these abdominal exercises plus many more, sign up for our BPSU online university.  There you can listen to and watch coaching cues videos as well as have access to our entire database to build programs and get the best out of any athlete. 


Row Dissection: Progressions and Tools

Part 1: Restraint and Effects On Force Output

Keith Shimon MATcs

“What is the best way to row?”  “What is the best row machine?” “Are machines evil or bad, and should I only use barbells, dumbbells, bands, or body weight?”  

As professionals you hear a gamut of questions and exercise mythology.  Is there really a “best row?”   Maybe a “best row” exercise for a specific individual.  It all comes back to the question of “who is it for,” and “what is the goal of this exercise” (Purvis, 2013, Exercise mechanics lecture).   Through the years we have all been introduced to the standard ideology of what a rowing motion looks like.  I imagine that we also have a framework in our head of the basic rules we were told in order to get the most out of any rowing motion, and the specific muscles that the exercise may challenge.  In addition, we have favored machines, dumbbells, kettle bells, cables, bands, or body weight because we were told that it was the best way to row.

This article is the first of a series.  We cover the use of restraint, and the manipulation of restraint to vary the custom training response in the context of two row examples.

In later articles, we will examine the various tools, implements, and machines that we use, how we use them, and why we pick them.  Lastly we will discuss variations of exercises and the ideas behind the variation in order to create even better, highly customized exercise regardless of past exercise rules we were all taught.  

In writing this series I hope to evoke ideas on how to tailor the rowing exercise to meet the needs of the individual, and to fill in the intentional or unintentional gaps of their training process.  We will not be covering bioenergetics, energy system development, or programing.  Our primary focus is understanding the wide variety of exercises known as “rows,” and other progressions that you can create on demand.  When a high level of structure, force, and client understanding is reached, your exercise options are only limited by your imagination.


Most training ideologies refer to the performance of specific exercises because they believe that the exercise transfers to the skill an athlete is perfecting to refine their sport.  We are turning that idea on its side today and not thinking about exercise transfer, but the transfer of effects from the exercise that is of primary importance.  

When I say “row”, what pops into your head?  What type of machine or implement do you think of, or are you in crew and think of an erg?  How do you perform that row, and why do you call it what you named it?  I imagine that it is much easier to call the exercise a type of row than name all of its parts as they occur in a specific order, that would be a nightmare.  It would go something like, “Go ahead and do one of those standing, spinal muscles stable with the hip flexed at 90 degrees, scapular retraction, glenohumeral extension, concomitantly with elbow flexion, followed by concomitant elbow extension with glenohumeral flexion, and scapular protraction.”  What a mess.  With that description of shoulder, elbow, scapular, hip, and spinal positions I am sure that you all have an idea in your head of what your “row” would look like. Unfortunately without being more specific, we are not holding into account key variables.  Why aren’t we more specific with the paths of motion, and the specific angles that we choose?  Why aren’t we taking into account at what level we are supported and at what segments we are restrained?  More importantly, why are we not listing the stuff that is not supposed to move during the chosen movement?  In some cases, this can be even more important to the stuff that is moving.

Newton’s third law of reaction is commonly stated, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”(Norkin & Levangie, 1992, pg 15-16).

“You can only shove on something as hard as it shoves on you”(Purvis, 2013, Exercise mechanics lecture).

Restraint (Purvis, 2013, p 8:3)

  1. Support (Purvis, 2013, p 8:3)
  • Types/surfaces- The higher the degree of freedom reduces output capacity
  • Levels – the number of joints involved
  1. Guidance (Purvis, 2013, p 8:3)
  • Any passively restraining influence to the path of motion and is in addition to the moveable resistance.

Think of support as a wide variety of options that you can choose for your client/athlete to completely change the challenge of the exercise, without changing the direction of the resistance or body position.  It can be thought of as using a stable surface to shove off of, whether it is standing, sitting or lying on the ground.  Don’t forget an important factor in Newtonian Physics, the lighter object moves and the heavier object does not.  You need to be able to shove in order to come up with enough force to overcome the force of the implement.

  1. Support (Types/Surfaces)- If there is a high degree of freedom, there is a limited capacity to produce force.  If there is a low degree of freedom, the environment for output expression can increase dramatically.

If the goal is not to generate the highest force possible, but instead to challenge maintaining an alternative position or changing positions during a row, then understand that the maximal output to perform that lift will not be as great.  That is not a bad thing, just a different exercise with a different challenge.

  1. Support (Levels)- The more body segments/joints that need to be controlled/stabilized, the less overall output can be expressed.

Again, this is neither all good nor all bad.  Progressing from supporting body just distal to joints targeted to specifically generate output, to gradually working on stabilizing or controlling multiple body segments in multiple directions and reducing output to focus on body orchestrated control may be a goal.  Both approaches have their place in the grand scheme of athlete/client development.  

  1. Guidance – In the use of a machine, the path of motion may be defined but you are not limited to shoving/pulling through it.(Purvis, 2013, p 12:4-5)

Machine based rowing exercise gives you a variety of experiences that you will not get with the use of free weights, cables, or elastomers(bands).  If the machine path of motion is restrained, you get the choice of either directly opposing that path of motion, or choosing an alternate path slightly off of that path in order to change the challenge of exercise entirely (example: attempting to “pull apart” the handles of a fixed row machine that has handles  traveling sagittally).  If you are using dumbbells, bands, or cables you are subjected to the path of acceleration of the implement depending on its magnitude.



In this scenario we did not discuss the ideas of strength profiles and matching magnitude profiles to create optimal resistance profiles.  This will be touched upon in a later article.


Remember, we are only attempting to show the difference in supporting body segments and the ability to generate greater output.  This does not mean that this is the “best exercise,” only a way to increase the output if your goal is to generate more force.

The possibilities of expansion of your exercise options are truly limitless.  How many ways can you choose to experiment with supporting or not supporting the body as the force applied to the body runs with some of its direction anterior to posterior with the point of contact being distal to the glenohumeral joint?  You now have some ideas to experiment with to fill training gaps.  Then, if you choose to experiment with exercises through the force/velocity continuum,  and the endurance capacities of each of those specific biomotor abilities, you can add valuable tools to your tool belt.

  1. Norkin, C. C.,  & Levangie, P. K., (1992). Joint structure and function: A comprehensive analysis 2nd edition, pg 15-16. Salem, MA.
  1. Purvis, T., (2013). RTS manual for the sciences of resistance exercise: Resistance mechanics, pg 12:3-6, 8:3-5. Oklahoma City, OK.

T. Purvis (2013). RTS resistance mechanics

, Retrieved from Body Activation course audio database.



Pete Bommarito, MS, CSCS, USAW, MATCS
Owner/President, Bommarito Performance Systems
Owner/President, Bommarito University

Maximizing muscle growth is obviously an extremely important concept for all different types of athletes and fitness enthusiasts. There is tons of data and research that shows different types of programs, and the hormonal response associated with each. The key is to implement the research into application – but with programs that can be safely and intelligently performed that gets the desired results without running the risk of overuse injuries. Separating a person’s goals into 2 main categories is important – the general population and athletes. The benefit of this undulating program is it can be performed and be extremely beneficial to all types of general population and all athletes at various levels.

As always the exercises in this program can be referenced in the BPSU Exercise Database. Make sure you give us feedback and questions in our Forum as you go through this program!

General Population
In the general population not necessarily focusing on an athletic event, it can be purely health related and for aesthetic purposes. Maximizing hypertrophy can lead to a number of health benefits – including but not limited to joint health, structural alignment, bone health, and accelerating fat loss for overall better function.

In terms of aesthetic purposes, males typically want to build as much muscle as possible with being as lean as possible. This program will help to accomplish both. The hormonal response for males is much greater than females, so a male can expect an overall muscle growth that is greater. Keep in mind that even if a male’s ultimate goal is to get “as lean as possible without getting bigger”, this program will still work. The more muscle mass, the higher the metabolic function, which will lead to overall fat loss to be accelerated. Keeping with this same hormonal concept, women should definitely NOT be scared off from an intensive program such as this. For a woman to maximize their genetic potential for muscle growth, doesn’t necessarily mean that they will “get bigger”. The “toning and definition” that I hear women talk about when discussing overall goals of a fitness program WILL BE accomplished with this type of program. Remember that a women’s overall hormonal response is just different than males. Meaning an intensive hypertrophy program will stimulate muscle growth so the muscle can actually be seen more prominently – hence, the “toning and definition” they crave. Couple this concept with the increase in metabolism and thus accelerating fat loss – and women can definitely accomplish their goals – mainly maintain weight but lose fat and gain the toning; OR even lose weight but still have that lean and defined look.

The other positive about an intensive program such as this is that it can be used for all athletes, without compromising their overall goals of being explosive. Even an athlete such as a body builder, model, or fitness competitor can benefit tremendously with this type of an undulating model. Many times if an athlete like a body builder is trying to build as much muscle as possible, they get locked into high volume, longer tempos (speed of repetition), and short rest periods. Which is fine, because that is what the research tends to dictate. However, there is nothing wrong with occasionally shifting towards to neural component of maximum effort work and maximizing motor unit recruitment. In a sense, “getting stronger” from implementation of max effort work into a microcycle like this, will allow for greater loads to be placed on the actual “volume days”. If the volume days can be accomplished with these great loads because the athlete is actually stronger, the hormonal response can be elevated with these days – hence more muscle growth.

For traditional sport athletes, this undulating model is a phenomenal method to maximize size and strength, without compromising speed and power. The old way of thinking of “if you train slow you will be slow” can be interpreted in many ways. Hitting an aggressive 6-week microcycle like this to elicit as much muscle growth as possible will definitely not compromise the overall expression of power – especially when you think about how many other microcycles can be placed into an off-season that focuses on power and power endurance. Shifting the focus onto muscle growth for a short 6-week microcycle can really set a great base of size and various types of strength and strength endurance. This base can lead to more efficiency when the focus shifts over to a microcycle that focuses more on maximizing power. This is especially true when you consider the undulating model – note that there is still dynamic and explosive work strategically placed throughout the cycle.

This could be the most important factor in the overall success of this model. Note that there are recovery days and off days placed into the workout. Because of the extreme time-under-tension on some of the heavy volume days, recovery is extremely important to allow the muscles AND the nervous system to adequately recover. This single biggest mistake made when attempting a cycle focusing on hypertrophy is that recovery days are limited or eliminated.

Recovery days doesn’t mean that the training stops, or lighter loads/intensities are even implemented. It’s just more of a focus on single joint work, lower overall volume, and controlled, focused tempos. This is necessary not only to allow recovery – but also (and probably more importantly) to keep the structural balance of each joint. This structural integrity will actually allow for more success during the heavier or higher volume days focusing on multi-joint lifts. Think of it in these terms: A multi-joint press will involve elbow extension. A multi-joint pull will involve elbow flexion. A multi-joint squat or single leg squat will involve knee extension and hip extension. It’s always beneficial to ensure that the individual segments are a strong as possible to allow for more overall efficiency (and less compensation for weaker segments).

Undulating Methodology
The overall model of “undulating” is really dominating the research. Meaning that each week doesn’t have a particular focus – each day of each week consistently switches the focus. This allows for an efficient rotating shift between neural (max effort), cellular (volume), combination (more time under tension with maximal weights), and recovery (segmental strength). Even “dynamic” or power based themes are placed into the rotation.

The research consistently dictates that in order to optimize the neural recruitment on a max effort day, hitting this type of workout every 10 days is necessary. Research also dictates that a high time-under-tension (longer, slower repetitions) coupled with shorter rest periods will optimize the hormonal response for muscle growth. Note that some days, a particular muscle group is the focus with this exact concept implemented – this is greatly exemplified in weeks 2 and 4. Some days, a complex (or superset) is implemented – usually in the form of a variation of GVT (or “German Volume Training”) model. These GVT days can be with volume (example week 1, day 1); max effort work with higher tempos (example week 3, day 5; or week 6, day 1); or even complexing single joint and multi-joint lifts for overall volume (example week 2, days 3 and 6). This type of consistent rotation of cellular (volume) and neural (strength) components will help maximize ALL expressions of hormonal response – which can allow for greater recovery, but ALSO greater overall muscle stimulus

As with all BPS programs, the when writing with a “1” immediately followed by a “2”, this is an immediate complex (or superset). Taking week 1, day 1 as an example:

The “1” exercise Bench/Board Press with a 40X tempo with 10×10 volume. The “2” exercise below it is Pullups – WAG (wide angled grip) – also with a 40X tempo and 10×10 volume. Note there is not RI (rest interval) for the Bench/Board Press, but there is a 60 second rest interval for the Pullups. This means that a set of 10 (40X tempo) of Bench/Board Press will be performed; then IMMEDIATELY perform the Pullups (40X tempo) for a set of 10. Then rest 60 seconds. Then repeat that exact sequence for 10 total sets.

The Setup illustrates the overall periodization of the 6-week cycle. Note that each day of each week will have the muscle group focus along with the theme. The Theme of each day is also listed at the top of each day within the actual workout.

Implementation of Speed/Movement Work and/or Cardio Work
Each person is going to respond differently to this aggressive type of loading – so general rule of thumb is to listen to the body, and DON’T push through extreme fatigue and soreness. In terms of other general rules to follow
• Don’t hit any aggressive “application” methods of speed during this cycle (like over-speed or long absolute speed) or high-loading change of direction drills
• Focus more on technical aspects, linear acceleration, and multi-directional runs (not changing directions)
• Perform High Intensity Interval Training type of cardio on upper body days
• Perform Long Slow Distance type of cardio on lower body days
• Definitely do not do any type of boxing or grappling type of conditioning on the upper body days that is max effort, or extreme volume


Maximizing various aspects of strength in the forearms, wrists, hands, and fingers is one of the most underrated aspects of many Sports Performance programs.  Even though these muscles involved are smaller muscles (and in many cases, stabilizing muscles), he various aspects of strength of the traditional bigger/stronger muscle groups of the body is similar.  Absolute strength, high-speed eccentric loading, isometric strength, reversal strength, speed strength, and various forms of strength/power endurance are usually the primary categories that need to be considered with any forms of resistance training.  Implementation of absolute strength and isometric strength are a standard in most programs.  However, the other strength components definitely need to be planned for – especially combat style sports like wrestling, football, hockey, grappling, and many aspects of martial arts.  It’s also extremely important with any sports that involve grip on an external surface – baseball bat, tennis racket, lacrosse stick, hockey stick, etc.

Absolute Strength

It is fairly simple to construct an exercise database from an absolute strength standpoint, as many of these are fairly standard in the industry:

  • Elbow Flexors
    • DB Hammer Curl
    • DB Incline Curl
    • DB Concentration Curl
    • Preacher Curl
  • Wrist (bar, plate, DB, Bat)
    • Wrist Flexion
    • Wrist Extension
    • Wrist Pronation/Supination
    • Wrist Lateral Deviation

One overlooked aspect of absolute strengthening is the hands/fingers:

  • Finger to Wrist Flexion – letting the bar roll out onto the fingers, initiating finger flexion to finish into a wrist flexion
  • Bat Finger Lateral Deviation – simply grasping a light object (such as a baseball bat) between the right and left index fingers and moving the bat up/down slowly to gain lateral deviation
  • Hand Gripper
  • Finger Gripper

Isometric Strength

Plate holds and Farmer Walks are the simplest way to gain isometric grip strength.  However, implementation of these unorthodox isometric exercises can be great variations to really overload this concept:

  • Towel Holds
  • Fat Bar / Fat Handle DB Curls
  • Landmine Bar Holds (outside)
  • Landmine Bar Holds (across)
  • Sorinex Mighty Mitt Rack Ball Holds
  • Sorinex Might Mitt Rack Ball Pullups

High Speed Eccentric Loading / Reversal Strength

As seen in the BPS “Exercise of the Week” from July of 2015 (and the subsequent loading onto the Exercise Database), the Landmine can be a powerful tool for Grip Strength, especially from this unique strength category:

  • Dynamic Eccentric Load
    • Bar Toss Pause (high)
    • Bar Toss Pause (low)
    • Bar Drop Pause (outside)
    • Bar Drop Pause (across)
    • Variations of Toss/Drop with KB
  • Reversal Strength
    • Bar Toss Reflex (high)
    • Bar Toss Reflex (low)
    • Bar Drop Reflex (outside)
    • Bar Drop Reflex (across)
    • Variations of Toss/Drop with KB

Kettlebells can also provide an effective alternative:

  • KB Hammer Curl Toss/Catch (pause)
  • KB Hammer Curl Toss/Catch (reflex)

When moving into the concept of strength endurance and power endurance, grip work can definitely be programmed for, and have a huge transfer to many sports.  This can be a huge advantage when training for combat style sports.  For example, it’s obviously important for a wrestler to have a “strong grip”, but it’s equally important to be able to maintain a level of grip strength over a period of time (since a level of grip strength must be maintained for an extended length of time; like a period within the match.  Taking a simple exercise like strengthening wrist flexion/extension for sets/reps; and converting it into a strength endurance exercise like Wrist Rollups for a period of time.

Strength Endurance:

  • Timed Wrist Rollups/Rolldowns
  • Timed Band Wrist Flexion/Extension
  • Keiser Cable Curls (looking at maintaining percentage of peak power output over a length of time)

Power Endurance (Dynamic Eccentrics and Reversal are sub-components).  Lighten the load, and go for time instead of maximal strength with sets/reps:

  • Timed Landmine Bar or KB Drops
  • Timed Landmine Bar KB Toss
  • Timed Band Switches

An overall periodization model for “combat sports” for supplemental grip work to add in addition to the traditional resistance training program could be as follows:

Weeks 1-2

Day 1 – Absolute Strength focus (note the eccentric focus):

  • DB Hammer Curl (311 tempo) 3×10
  • Wrist Flexion/Extension (211) 2x10e

Day 2 – Isometric focus:

  • Towel Holds (elbow 90deg) 3x30s
  • Farmer Walks (bumper plates) 2x20yd

Day 3 – Combo

  • Mighty Mitt Ball Pullups (311) 4×10
  • Bat Finger Lat. Deviation (111) 2×10 each finger

Weeks 3-4

Day 1 – Absolute Strength

  • KB Hammer Curl Toss (X1X) 4x10e
  • Bat Wrist Pro/Sup (111) 3x10ee

Day 2 – Dynamic Eccentric to Isometric

  • LM Bar Toss Pause (X1X) 3x15e
  • LM Bar Drop Pause (X1X) 3x15e

Day 3 – Combo

  • Hand/Finger Gripper (232) 3x10e
  • LM Bar Holds 3x30s

Weeks 5-6

Day 1 – Absolute Strength

  • Bat Wrist Lateral Deviation (131) 2x10ee
  • Fat Bar Curl (101) 4×8

Day 2 – Reversal Strength Endurance

  • LM Bar Toss – Reflex (XXX) 3x30s
  • KB Drops – Reflex (XXX) 3x30s
  • Timed Band Switches (XXX) 3x30s

Day 3 – Combo/Endurance

  • Mighty Mitt Holds (elbow 90deg) 3x30s
  • Band Wrist Flex/Extend 3x30s e
  • Wrist Rollup 3x30s

Row Isometric Wave

There are a vast amount of row exercises and many variations for each. A staple in our BPS system is the isometric wave row. Typically, we utilize the seated row or incline prone row apparatus. The tempo for these row exercises begins at 6-1. This means the athlete concentrically rows, and then isometrically holds at the controllable end range of motion for 6 seconds. Once the hold time is complete the athlete will perform two controlled 101 tempo reps and isometrically hold again on the second rep. This time the hold decreases to only 5 seconds. Repeat this process until the last one-second hold is complete followed by the last two reps that will finish the set.
Once a foundation of rowing strength is set this tempo can be progressed by increasing the time under tension with longer isometric holds. For example, we would keep our athletes on the same weight as used for the 6-1 tempo but increase the tempo to 8-1, 10-1 or even 12-1. This progression will quickly increase the isometric strength of the back and posterior chain. The posterior chain in this case may include the trapezius, rear deltoids, erector spinae, rhomboids, etc. Any given athlete can progress up in tempo by two seconds about every three weeks. On upper body days, keep the wave tempo to about 4 sets of rows depending on the athletes needs.
All athletes require a strong posterior chain for many reasons including sprinting arm action speed, proper posture, shoulder health and reversal strength involved in all pressing motions. To obtain row strength through the use of the wave tempo in all planes of rowing motions, you’ll need to utilize multiple variations of rowing exercises. For instance, you can apply the 6-1 wave tempo to the
 DB incline row (narrow or wide grip)
 Inverted row (varying the grip)
 DB or band shoulder (rear, front, side)
 Pull-ups (varying the grip)

**Tips for row performance: When performing all rowing exercises its important to focus all your intention on retracting the scapulae first. Follow scapulae retraction with horizontally abducting the humerous to its controllable end range of motion. At this end range of motion, execute the chosen isometric contraction time (i.e. 10-1) and visualize all the muscles in the back contracting. The arm flexors will assist with most rowing motions but try to skew your intention to the musculature of the back.


There’s no question that the Pullups is the one of the most effective upper body “posterior chain” or pulling exercises. It puts a great deal of emphasis on the latissimus dorsi (lats), essentially working very large muscle groups. It’s also extremely effective because of the unique pulling range requires so many muscles to be active. So it’s commonly referred to as an exercise that “gives a lot of bang for the buck”. It’s always good practice to implement exercises that accomplishes so much in a given set volume for the day. In addition, with the load being so significant, the high stress on the CNS in terms of recruitment is a huge benefit.

However, even though it’s fairly agreed upon throughout the industry that the Pullup is very beneficial in certain respects, it’s still become a focal point of extreme controversy. Most of the controversy seems to be centered around: Pullups being effective at all versus being detrimental to the shoulder joint; Banded Pullups versus body weight Pullups versus weighted pullups; and various types of grip relating to the various levels of efficiency.

The problem with the “controversies” is that people keep asking the wrong questions and focusing on aspects that are secondary to the PRIMARY issues. The primary issues with regards to the Pullup that needs to be addressed before anything else:

1. What is the Active Range of Motion (AROM) of both “shoulder joints” in various positions
First, a simplistic breakdown of the joints:
• Glenohumeral (GH) Joint – commonly referred to as the shoulder joint
• Scapulothoracic (ST) motion – commonly referred to as the scapular joint
A ton of scientific detail could be introduced here about scapulo-humeral rhythm (the interplay of of the GH, ST, Acromioclavicular Joint and Sternoclavicular Joints) or the Scapulohumeral ratio (ratio of the GH movement to the ST movement during arm elevation with the commonly used 2:1 ratio). However, instead of getting into too much detail and various discussions/arguments about ratios – just think in simple terms of the how it RELATES TO the Pullup. At the bottom of the Pullup, your body weight pulling down will force your shoulder joint into extreme levels of flexion/adduction (and upward rotation of the scapula keeping with the SH ratio). The key question to think about is: Can you even control these extreme ranges of motion WITHOUT the extreme load of the body forcing it?

A simple test would be to have your client lay supine and just test the range. The client starts on his/her back with the arms at the sides and the coach moves the arm up into flexion (with the client also contributing to the motion, so it’s a combination of passive/active). Identify two main aspects:
• What is the total range that can be controlled in this unloaded motion
• Is there an asymmetry between the right and left arms

Perform the same test while the client is standing up and see if there are changes; also watch the differences between the scapula.

You could also get more detailed by performing the test in an “overhand” position, “neutral grip” position, or “underhand” position – hence varying the levels of internal or external rotation at the shoulder joint that would be present during the 3 grips of Pullups.

There is obviously MANY extensive and individualized assessments that can be used to provide data that is more specific. However, this basic AROM assessment is for trainers to use quickly in the middle of sessions to identify two main factors:
• Is the Pullup appropriate at this time for this client
• If so, what is the controllable range that is appropriate for this client at this time when performing the Pullup

2. What is the ultimate goal of the exercise at this point in the training cycle
This is the most basic of primary issues, but it’s also still very important. Just think in simple terms, what exactly are you trying to accomplish?
• Size
• Strength
• Total volume
• Tempo of lift
• Athleticism
• Shoulder joint health
In breaking down your ultimate GOAL, always attempt to identify if there is a more suitable exercise that does the same MOTIONS as the exercise you wish to assign, but might be more appropriate. Reasons for a possible adjusting/substitution of the exercise:
• Limits in AROM assessment that won’t align with the required range for the Pullup
• Issue with previous injury to the shoulder (even if client doesn’t “feel pain” at that moment)
• Your inexperience with anatomy/planes of motion of this complex lift versus an accurate AROM

3. What is the injury history of the shoulder complex
The main thing to think about with regards to injury is whether assessing/treating/assigning restrictions on an exercise exceeds your education, experience, and/or certification and/or medical license. Or, even if it falls into your “job description”, do you have the proper time to spend to perform a necessary evaluation?

The bottom line is that the Pullup is a very complex exercise with many joint motions involved when compared to other upper pulling exercises. The more of these types of independent variables, the more factors you have to consider when assigning it. If there is a previous injury history, ensure that it gets checked out by the proper medical professional. If they clear that type of “range” required for a Pullup, implement it. If not, change the exercise to still accomplish your GOAL, just do it in a manner that won’t put additional wear on a joint that has already been compromised.

4. What is the actual joint motions involved during the Pullup
Main actions at the shoulder:
• Adduction
• Extension
• Horizontal abduction
Main actions at the scapula
• Retraction
• Downward rotation
• Depression
Main actions at the elbow
• Flexion
Possible actions at the spine
• Extension

Keep in mind that the purpose of this article is NOT a full anatomy review. Of course there could be additional motions involved during an exercise as complex as the Pullup; especially with all of the variations to the Pullup. It’s essential to learn and understand these MAIN actions for a simple breakdown to answer one question:

If the AROM and/or INJURY HISTORY causes a trainer/client/athlete to analyze the true GOAL of the Pullup and possibly make a choice to modify/substitute – what modifications/substitutions needs to be made?

ANY “controversy” in the industry about Pullups can always lead back to one or more of these 4 main aspects. Examples of many of the things I’ve heard, or has been argued to death in literature:

Should pullups be band assisted, body weight, or weighted?
Probably the most “argued” point in literature and definitely the most pointless and ridiculous. Easiest answer to this question is to look at 1 and 3 above. If the injury history and AROM dictates that the range of flexion/abduction is less that what will be forced by the body weight (and, of course, any weight added to body weight) at the bottom of the Pullup, then use a band. The reasons are not necessarily for assistance. The band will allow the feet to angled forward so the body “leans back” at the bottom of the range – which will limit the amount of range of motion of flexion and could fall into what you have identified as a “controllable” range. Hence making the lift appropriate at this time.
Here’s the common themes argued in literature:
“The band assisted exercise won’t get as much CNS work and motor unit recruitment.”
“The band assisted won’t increase as much size/strength.”

And, here’s the answers:
Add more volume, increase the tempo, or just add weight! Nothing wrong with using a band to adjust the position, then adding weight for additional load. Don’t’ think in terms of absolutes of what is “better.” Think in terms of what is better for this client at this time.

Is the Pullup effective or detrimental?
Again, look at 1 and 3 above. They either check out or they don’t. If they check out, it’s effective. If not, it’s detrimental. If your goal (look at 2 above) fits with the modifications (look at 4 above), then modify it and it can be effective. If modifications in this case aren’t used, it can be detrimental.

As always, don’t think in absolutes. And it’s not just, what is good for a client. It’s more of what is good for the client at this time. Because the development, AROM, response from a previous injury, CNS activation will always change. This has to be constantly assessed.

Is the Pullup the “ultimate” pulling exercise for the upper body?
OF COURSE! It would be hard-pressed to find a more effective exercise for all of the goals outlined in 2 above. However, it becomes extremely ineffective if anything is found in sections 1 and 3 above the makes the Pullup detrimental.

Also, don’t forget about the power of partials on something like a Pullup. AROM assessments can always lead to making the modification of a Pullup to just shorten the range of motion – not change the range of motion like with a band-assisted action.

Here’s the common themes argued in literature:
“Partials won’t get the full “stretch” at the bottom or the full “contraction” at the top and therefore the muscle development won’t be as great as a full ROM Pullup”.

And, here’s the answer:
That is true, but it will be more appropriate! Over time the appropriateness of the Pullup variations/modifications/substitutions will lead to greater muscular development; and possible lead to an appropriate “full ROM” Pullup. Don’t ever sacrifice wear on a joint for “full muscle development”. Also keep in mind that if a range can’t be controlled, the tissue probably isn’t contracting maximally at that range. Is the appearance of a full ROM Pullup actually working the muscles you think it is? Or is the compensation changing things? And/or is the momentum created giving the appearance of the range, but not actually contracting in that range?

Pulldowns can work the “full range” but also modify the joint positions and load to make it appropriate. And then adding partial (body weight or weighted) Pullups can get a LOT of CNS work and extreme muscle development.

As Pullups are shown to be extremely effective, the complexity and independent variables introduces a lot of thought processes that must be considered each time the exercise is planned for in a workout. Never think in “absolutes” – only think in the best scenario for that specific day. Have a full understanding of anatomy and planes of motion to intelligently assign what is appropriate style of Pullup for that particular session.


In order to really maximize your training for yourself and/or your clients, having the structure is always the key.  The optimal structure can be centered around a number of aspects:

  • Medical disciplines to treat and evaluate pre/post
  • Facilities and equipment the can maximally facilitate individualized goals
  • High level trainers/coaches and/or training partners
  • Optimal time for preparation, rest periods, and post recovery
  • Nutrient Timing
  • Proper sleep, recovery, hydration, and stress-free personal environment


It is clear that one or more of the aforementioned aspects are just common parts of most people’s everyday lives and they will always compromise “optimal development.”  This is especially true for those that travel frequently, or just simply for those clients that have so many personal responsibilities with family and/or young kids that it might be logistically impossible to get to a facility with the necessary amenities and equipment. Planning for these logistical factors is always a good idea; as some development (even if it is “sub-optimal”) can be better then no development at all.  As long as trainers/coaches and the clients have a full understanding that this can’t be setup as a standard for people that are just too lazy to commit to what is optimal at least part time.  It is simply great sample general plans that can keep the development going during these types of tough situations.


From an athletic perspective, tennis is a great example.  There is no way that an elite tennis player can have a perfect plan on the road to different countries and absolutely ensure that there is a facility in close proximity that has all of the adequate equipment and services. Further, there is always a financial factor – some players can surely bring a “travel performance coach” on the road; some can’t.  In either case, the coach MUST plan for implementing a program when traveling with the client; OR give the client solid education and a program to take on the road. And this implementation must be planned for a “worst case” scenario.


From a general fitness perspective, the best trainers are not just the ones that can directly train a client adequately.  It’s the education of what to do in a “worst case” scenario if your client needs to travel, has an emergency, or has a logistical issue like family issues that inhibits the ability to attend sessions.


In any of the above scenarios, body weight training and band training is a great place to start. There are many different modes of training, but body weight and bands can usually be the best system to implement because of the ease of implementation with no “facility”.  It’s easy to travel with, it’s inexpensive, and the overall variety of exercise implementation can really facilitate a solid, scientifically based program.



Sorinex Bands – Mini, Monster-Mini, Light, Medium, Heavy



Upper Press

  • Band SA Punch
  • Staggered Stance SA Band Punch
  • Rotate SA Band Punch
  • Variations
    • With Protract at end of Punch
    • Band DA Punch
    • Staggered Stance DA Punch

Upper Pull

  • Band SA Row
  • Angled Stance SA Row
  • Variations
    • High
    • Low
    • DA Row from varying positions and angles

Upper Auxiliary

  • Band Tricep Pushdown
  • Band OH Tricep Press
  • Variations
    • SA Tricep – varying angles
    • Reverse Grip Tricep – varying angles
    • Band Tricep Press – chin
    • Band Tricep Press – forehead
  • Band Bicep Curl
    • Band SA Bicep Curl
    • Band Hammer Curl
    • Band Wrist Flexion/Extension
  • Band Front Shoulder Raise
  • Band Side Shoulder Raise
  • Band Rear Shoulder Raise
  • Variations
    • Front V Raise
    • Front V-Y Raise
    • Side Raise – Shrug
    • Heavy Band Shrug

Lower Hip/Quad Dominant

  • Band DL Squat
  • Band Bulgarian Squat
  • Variations
    • DL Squat to OH Press
    • Lateral Walk to Squat

Lower Posterior Chain

  • Band Pull-Through
  • Band Seated DL Curl
  • Band Seated SL Curl
  • Body Weight Hip Bridge
  • Variations
    • Hip Bridge – Dorsiflexion or Plantarflexion
    • Hip Bridge – knees/feet in; knees/feet out; knees in/feet out; knees out/feet in

Lower Single Joint

  • Band Hip Flexion
  • Band Hip Extension
  • Band Hip Abduction
  • Band Hip Adduction
  • Variations
    • Band Hip Flexion w/ abduct or adduct force (angle the band)
    • Band Hip Extension w/ abduct or adduct force (angle the band)
    • Band Hip Abduction with flexion or extension force (angle the band)
    • Band Hip Adduction with flexion or extension force (angle the band)
  • Band Lateral Walk
    • Internal Rotate feet
    • External Rotate feet
    • Neutral feet
  • Standing Calf Raise



Using the listed workout scripts as general templates, it can be easy to construct an undulating periodization model.  This model should always be with the understanding that it should be unplanned.  This is especially true for athletes on the road.  If an athlete is on the road with heavy tournament play, the training should supplement practice and match play – not interfere with it.  It’s virtually impossible to perfectly plan the recovery from practice or an event.  The basic way to plan a workout script is to go off the “readiness to train” of an athlete. Simply how the athlete feels, soreness levels, energy levels, etc.  For advanced athletes with a better understanding of their body, or if athletes have access to Neuromuscular Therapists, it becomes a lot more detailed in terms of the actual appropriateness of the workout selection based on neural capacity and function.


Note that each workout has 2 complexes.  The “1” exercise is always immediately super-setted with the “2” exercise, then given rest period will take place (noted by “RI”, or rest interval, on the script).  The rest period can be a simple inactive recovery.  Or there can be a chosen “Corrective Exercise” chosen during the rest interval.  There are many sample corrective exercises listed on the script.  For example, on the MAX EFFORT scripts, a Double Leg Standing Calf Raise is listed as a sample exercise during the rest interval of the first complex.  Because the muscles involved in plantar flexion are such a crucial component of the gait pattern (especially from the complex an specific pronate to supinate action from absorbing to re-directing force), it can be a great chosen exercise during this rest interval that can assist with “correcting” dysfunctional gate patterns (of walking, or dynamic motion and changes of direction).  Note the progressive overload between the levels. If there is a specific inhibition that got activation from a therapist, a specific isolated exercise can be used to facilitate a progressive tolerance to force at that joint/muscle.  If there is no set pattern of specific evaluations, the listed exercises can be great choices – because they are globally seen as assisting with many general dysfunctions seen in many people – athletes and general fitness clients.


For simplicity purposes, all of the listed workout scripts were constructed with “full body” on each day. However, if there is a week where it is appropriate (based on response) that 3 or 4 days can be used, an upper body or lower body day can implemented using the same model.  So if an upper body day needs to be substituted for a full body day that is listed, both complexes can have a “1. Push  to  2. Pull” system, with a rest interval that contains a corrective.


Also note that some of the Rest Intervals contain  “Complex” instead of a corrective.  An example would be the VOLUME day.  Instead of focusing on an exercise assisting with the force at a specific or a general dysfunction, this is an exercise that completes the overall complex.  Hence, the VOLUME day is an intense continuous workout with little to no rest.


As with anything in Sports Performance or General Fitness, it’s still a good idea to planbased on the predicted response – but always CHANGE THE PLAN based on the actual response. With these points in mind, these examples could be appropriate periodization models for an elite athlete on the road, or a general fitness client that needs a good “home workout” for a period of time:




Three Key Aspects For Training Elite HS Baseball Athletes

Ø  The first and maybe most important aspect to training baseball athletes is identifying individual bilateral imbalances and developing a plan to “correct” the system.  Evaluations such as the MAT evaluation or the FMS are great tools to utilize when evaluating an athlete.  Together, these methods can efficiently help identify what the imbalances exist and why they exist.  Implementing many single arm exercises and single leg exercises may not further worsen an imbalance.  However, these single limb exercises will work to ‘correct” an imbalance because the limb is acting independently on a resistance rather than in tandem.  For example, if leg imbalances exist, a Bulgarian squat exercises will force each limb to work equally rather than if the athlete back squats and the strong contributes more to the completion of the exercise than the weak leg.

Ø  Second, the pitchers should have a more throwing specific periodization than the other position players.  Granted, the periodization for all baseball athletes will include exercises that enhance the performance of the muscles involved in throwing.  The pitchers will experience a high volume of throws during a season, thus the off-season training should work to increase the athlete strength endurance and power endurance.

Ø  Third, develop power, specifically trunk rotational power and arm rotational power.  The end goal of the periodization (or the peak) is to have a baseball athlete who has significantly increased the power output.  This may be measured by mph on a baseball pitch or bat speed.


Strength Endurance / Power Endurance Continuum

When you think of training for strength or training for power, the general periodization progression shifts from strength into power.  This transitions occurs after a basic hypertrophy phase and joint realignment phase has been established.  Once the strength phase is successfully completed based on the required goals, the training can shift to a strength power phase.  Then, the training shifts to a power phase before entering the strength endurance and power endurance continuum.  Keep in mind, when utilizing this continuum, there will always be a strength endurance and power endurance component to each exercise. The difference is the ratio for each component.

Once the continuum is reached within the periodization model, the athlete first trains for strength endurance.  In the diagram provided below, we laid out the continuum has it relates to sled pushing and pulling.  Here, we can easily understand how to move along the continuum, with the end result or goal being power endurance.  The continuum shows the progression from strength endurance to power endurance moving in order from push sled march, to bound, to jog, to sprint, to pull sled march, to sprint, to trainer resisted sprint, to light pulley resisted sprint.  Typically, the more sprint resistance the exercise is the more strength endurance. The lower the resistance the sprint has the more power endurance until you reach a body weight free sprint or over-speed sprint.

First, we begin with the push sled low straight arm position march.  This exercise is the most strength endurance exercise on the continuum, which is why it is the furthest to the left.  As the exercise progress towards the right the more the exercise shifts away from strength endurance into more power endurance.  For example, push sled bound mid height bent arm position is more strength endurance based than a push sled sprint high height straight arm position. In scientific terms, the longer the amortization phase the more strength endurance the exercise will be considered. In laymen’s terms, the less time the foot is in contact with the ground the more power endurance the exercise is considered.

When you consider the biomechanical differences between a push sled jog exercise where the hands are very mid or very high, you’ll find the foot is required to push longer on the ground in the low arm position than the high arm position.  This is due to the the extreme ankle of the shin to the ground.  Let’s say you take the same example and modify the athlete so his or her arms are either straight or bent.  You’ll find that the ankle of the shin to the ground is less in the bent arm position (~40*), whereas the shin ankle to the ground in the straight arm position is greater (~50*).

Once the athlete reaches the push sled sprint mid level straight arm position, we would classify this point as being about a 50/50 percent split between strength endurance and power endurance.  The training will now involve pull a sled in a slightly angled forward position.  The shin angle while pulling the sled is far greater than the angle experienced in the predominately strength endurance based phase.  As we move along the continuum towards the end, the resistance put on the sprinting motion decrease lighter and lighter.

The trainer is a type of pulley system that has a belt at both end of the rope.  The rope passes through a machine that can be adjusted to create heavy amounts of friction or light amounts of friction.  The machine can easily be adjusted to the desired resistance based on where the athlete falls on the continuum at that time.  Similar to this in the light pulley resisted machine.  This machine is designed to be used for over-speed (pulling the athlete as he/she sprints) or resisting a sprint with manual resistance. One end of the rope is anchored to a tree or pole, while the other end is secured to the belt that is around the athletes’ waist.  This pulley is lighter than the trainer because even though the manual resistance may be pulling really hard, half of the tension is going to the anchor and the other half to the athlete.  With this pulley, resistance can be very light which allows the athlete to have a small amortization phase, making it the most power endurance based exercise on our continuum.


There four primary variables of strength:  absolute strength, speed strength, reversal strength, and dynamic eccentric.  Speed Box Squat, especially with variable loading, will have heavy emphasis on 3 of the 4 primary variables.  This is why this exercise is a staple of the BPS strength program – there is so much that can be accomplished in a single exercise.


Double leg squat versus single leg squat

One important aspect to understand is the concept of the double leg squat.  Single leg versus the double leg squat could honestly be one of the most controversial subjects in the industry today.  When reviewing both sides of this “argument”, keep in mind one thing:  all of the properties of the muscle contraction. The dynamic eccentric load of a muscle is a trainable effect and extremely important factor to potentiate power. The reversal strength (deceleration mechanics) against the external load, plus gravity (plus the body in some regards) is a trainable effect and extremely important factor to potentiate power. Isometric strengthening under load at high thresholds after a dynamic eccentric load and reversal deceleration is a trainable effect and extremely important factor to potentiate power. Concentric power off of an isometric pause under load (with the added potentiation of the dynamic eccentric and reversal) is a trainable effect and extremely important factor in overall speed strength and power.


These aspects of muscle contraction can be accentuated during double leg squatting.  Because of the numerous independent variables associated with balance and stabilization on a single leg, double leg squatting is far more superior to single leg when it comes to the overall potentiation of power – especially on aspects like dynamic eccentric loading.  Dynamic eccentric loading can be loaded heavy, loaded with heavy variable loading, and the threshold of the eccentric contraction into the potentiation of stored elastic energy at deep bending positions can be increased fast with double leg squatting.  It’s extremely difficult to add variable loading to a single leg squat to help accentuate all of the aforementioned factors.  And it’s almost impossible to hit an efficient reversal deceleration into an isometric pause off of a dynamic eccentric load that is necessary to raise the threshold for potentiation of power.


Single leg squatting for absolute strength is phenomenal.  It is probably used a lot more for absolute strengthening of the lower body for the majority of our athletes and general fitness clients. The phenomenon of the bi-lateral deficit is well documented and researched; and thus a single leg squat is a crucial aspect to absolute strengthening.  However when it comes to a dynamic day; and/or the dynamic eccentric, reversal strength, and speed strength aspects of muscle contracting, force loading, and raising the threshold – double leg squatting is far more superior.  Hence, we believe in the concept that both are extremely important and too valuable to be omitted.


Speed-Strength versus Strength-Speed

These are concepts that have been well documented and researched.  Vladimir Zatsiorsky has a ton of literature on the subject.  All of the aspects in above related to potentiation of power relates to both Speed-Strength and Strength-Speed:

  • Eccentric strength to optimize dynamic eccentric loading
  • Dynamic eccentric loading to optimize reversal strength
  • Reversal strength to optimize the isometric loading and raise the threshold for the potentiation for concentric power
  • Concentric power is a form of speed-strength and strength-speed
  • Speed-strength and strength-speed is a form of power
  • The success of each of these phases is predicated on the phase immediately before it


The main differences between these two aspects in terms of application methods are the loading and the speed of action.  There is standard loading and variable loading; and the combination of the two. From a practitioner’s standpoint, bar speed is a good measurable to ensure you are working in both ranges (Bryan Mann, University of Missouri, 2015):

  • Strength-Speed:75-1.0 m/s
  • Speed-Strength:0-1.3 m/s


Note in the videos that this athlete is predominantly working in the Strength-Speed zone.  Even on the upper levels.  This day’s primary focus was to build a foundation of Strength-Speed off of a dynamic eccentric loading, to raise the threshold for efficient Speed-Strength training in succeeding workouts.  Note the bar speed being between 0.8 m/s and 0.9 m/s.



Building up tempos on a pure dynamic day is a very efficient way to get to the ultimate goal of a high-speed eccentric load; to reversal strength into isometric pause; to pure concentric power with potentiation (the X1X tempo).  Rest periods being between 45-60s.  In a 6-week cycle, and a dynamic day once a week each week in the cycle (off week 4), a tempo and volume might look like this:

  • Weeks 1-2: 5×3 (21X); 5×2 (11X)
  • Week 3:         7×3 (11X); 7×3 (X1X)
  • Weeks 5-6:   8×2 (X1X)


Variable load

The accommodating resistance of a variable load is advantageous in many aspects.  First is it will overload the intensity of the dynamic eccentric loading in weeks 3, 5 and 6.  This can be greatly enhanced with bands instead of (or in addition to) chains. It will also provide acceleration through the end range of motion during the concentric portion.  It will also provide for accommodating resistance due to the bar being lighter at the bottom of the squat (where there is a mechanical disadvantage) and heavier throughout the ascent of the squat as the mechanical advantage increases – hence increasing the neural component.  A variable loading mechanism might look like this:

  • Week 1: 5×3 (21X); 5×2 (11X); Single chains
  • Week 2: 5×3 (21X); 5×2 (11X); Double chains
  • Week 3:         7×3 (11X); 7×3 (X1X); Mini Bands plus Triple chains
  • Week 4: No Speed Squats; Download week
  • Week 5:         8×2 (X1X); Light bands + single chains
  • Week 6: 8×2 (X1X); Medium bands + single chains






Any Running Back needs to be able to easily and fluently switch the ball from one arm to the next with ease.  They also need to be able to stay low on change directions, and change directions on a dime.


This drill first and foremost focuses on ball control.  Note how our NFL RB clients Malcolm Agnew, Nick Hill, and Aaron Ripkowski moves throughout the drill.  The ability to change hands is a trainable effect, and note how this drill forces the player to change arms efficiently.


The next focal point is staying low on changes of direction.  Note with the cones as a target just focuses on bending at the knees with an upright torso position.  This is a pure endurance drill that will train the muscles of the hips and legs in deep bending positions.


Finally, the changes of direction are sharp and crisp.  Note the “positive” angles of the hips, where the emphasis is placed on the inside edge of the outside foot.   This is essential to performance on the most difficult cuts a RB can make – specifically the “jump cut” that success is dictated by an athletes ability to get low and dip the inside shoulder – in almost the exact same angle as seen on each cone cut.  The deceleration step off the outside edge of the inside leg sets up this hard change of direction off the outside leg.  Perfect drill for utilizing both edges of the feet at extreme angles.


BPS NFL clients Darnell Dockett and Kendall Langford on battle rope training.  This is a great for all football lineman, as well as fighters, grapplers, wrestlers, and other combat sports.  This is great conditioning for the upper body, also strengthens the grip and works on endurance in the muscles of the hands, wrists, and forearms.


As lineman, the need for muscular endurance in the trunk/spine, and all upper body is just as important as standard cardiovascular conditioning.  Combat athletes (and lineman are considered versions of combat athletes) don’t move that far, but they need to be well conditioned when they engage their opponent.  This is a standard for many forms of conditioning for these athletes.



For overall general conditioning



Note the engagement of the hips to create momentum



Movin the shoulder through various planes targets different muscles.  This is also the best grip training out of this standard rope series



Definitely a favorite if Defensive Lineman, as they have to be well conditioned and strong in their pass rush moves as they dip and rip under their opponent


The attached off-season weight room program is a workout that was customized for an elite high school baseball team.  Every logistical factor was taken into consideration:  equipment, space, time commitments, competency and level of athletes, volume and competency of coaching staff to implement and oversee, etc.  The start of each microcycle is exemplified in the program – essentially week one of each microcycle.  Each microcycle can be between 2 and 4 weeks long, with changes of volume and intensity throughout with keeping the exercises constant.  There was also periodic downloads and unloads within the overall program that was setup to coincide with various off-season events such as tournaments and testing.


Keep in mind that there was also a customized program for warm-ups and joint preparation, speed/movement and conditioning, performance based throwing program, flexibility/mobility/stability, and progressive trunk/spine overload.  All of these variables were progressed according to the weight room program to maximize the strength and power gains while minimizing interference.


General Preparatory Phase

The main concept of a GPP is improving joint integrity, setting the base of strength, and improving the quality of isometric strength at end ranges of controllable motion to increase overall range of motion.  Note that the tempos are setup on a heavy eccentric loading, a lot of isometric holds, and even some higher tempos on the concentric muscle action to gain the quality of cross-bridge formation.  The rotational patterns through the trunk and spine were set in this phase via a lot of heavy tempos, and variations of isometrics throughout the ranges of motion.  Note that this phase also is heavy into single joint strengthening, and a lot of non-specific overall strength and stability.



The theme of this phase was to increase volume and systematically increase intensity.  There are some explosive concentrics (note the 21X tempos) put into this phase to try and build a foundation of pure concentric power.  There is also a progressive overload throughout the trunk and spine on each day.  While this still not be “sport specific” in terms of that actual motion of the rotations, it is “muscle specific” – meaning that the muscles involved in the dynamic rotation of the swinging motion and/or throwing motion are continuing to be developed in all aspects of a muscle contraction.  The ultimate goal is to have the foundation of the eccentric strength, the isometric strength, and the concentric strength/power set to lead into more dynamic and “sport-specific” strength/power in the succeeding phases.  Also note the themes of this phase is predicated on a severe increase in volume of the entire posterior chain – upper body pulls, trunk/spine extensors, hip extensors, knee flexors, and even plantar flexors.  This is essential to creating an overall balanced athlete – specifically an “overhead” athlete that is absolutely dependent on optimal posture (specifically around the scapulo-thoracic region).



There is now a complete shift to attempting to maximize general vertical power, as well as the specificity of rotational power and reversal/deceleration components of pulling power.  The pressing power is not nearly as important for an overhead athlete – note that the “Strength” Upper Body day definitely follows a traditional Conjugate-Dynamic phase – albeit the pressing strength is still with DB’s because of the standard imbalances in the shoulder complex of an overhead athlete.  And the pulling strength of the Upper Body day is set into two phases – one day of pure strength, one day of heavy volume.  The power portion of the “Dynamic” Upper Body Day is mainly set for rotational and pulling power.  The lower body follows more of the traditional Conjugate-Dynamic phase:  one day of pure dynamic strength, and one day of absolute strength.  The absolute strength is set primarily with single leg work for the hip/quad dominant primary exercises – mainly because of the extreme importance of single leg strength with this sport.  Note that the trunk/spine is starting to get a lot more explosive throughout the entire ranges of motion – and there is even an implementation of Landmine exercises (the staple of rotational specificity for baseball players).



Note that this phase has a certain feel of a traditional strength and power split.  Two days of full body strength, and alternating days of full body power.  The posterior chain work is placed on the full body power days.  Note that the full body power still avoids pressing power – it is mainly focused around general lower body power, upper body pulling power, and rotational power through the trunk/spine.  This phase is good for a “peaking phase” that immediately precedes a Pre-Season – or can be modified slightly as a taper into a major tournament or testing event.  Since the base of absolute strength, eccentric loading, dynamic eccentric loading, isometric development, posture, and all phases of progressive power development has already been set in the preceding phases – power can now be maximized and realized at the fullest potential.




These are purely examples of advanced programs that can be set for an elite high school baseball teams.  Each exercise can be tied to the exercise database available on the Bommarito University membership site.  BPS has had a ton of requests for programs for teams, small groups, and even individual athletes at the youth, high school, collegiate, and professional levels.  Once all of the aforementioned logistical factors are known, BPS can construct a thorough customized program that can be easily implemented and referenced to the exercise database.  The team that this program was built for even had coaches attend Bommarito Performance North Miami Beach facility for a day consult as a complete “crash course” of teaching progressions and implementation strategies for the off-season.  While this is certainly not required, it exemplifies the true customization that can be made available for an athlete or groups of athletes in any logistical setting.



Typically for football players, the off-season is set around 4 primary phases/macrocycles:
• General Preparatory / Re-Alignment / Regeneration – immediately after the season that focuses on low volume and full recovery from the season
• Intensification – Preparation for spring activities centered around on-the-field football work
• Spring ball, OTA’s, and/or Mini-camps – low volume of maintenance work as the focus shifts to football
• Training Camp / Season Preparation – secondary intensification that increases volume again, gets into more sport-specificity, and peaking of maximum power

This article and accompanying Training Script will be centered on the 4th primary macrocycle of the off-season. It’s understood that the spring football activities will affect each player individually, so there will be varying levels and time commitments that focuses around the regeneration part. Typically, this regeneration focus is much less than right after the season, as the ground base of work and the foundation for joint integrity has already been set in the first two macrocycles, and maintained as much as possible during the third macrocycle. Once the athletes are ready to get back into intensified work, this plan has proven to be extremely effective.

A full breakdown of the volume and type of work done each day of the week needs to be understood:

• High Neural loads
• Low Joint loads
• CAMPS (CNS Activation and Muscle/Joint Preparation Systems)
o Absorption Force, Accepting body weight, Re-directing force – high volume/intensity
o Unloaded Speed – low volume/intensity
• Overall Training Volume – medium to low

Because of the 2 days on the weekend of rest and recovery, getting the nervous system back into a heightened state is necessary to have an efficient training effect for the rest of the week. Note that there is a heavy emphasis on footwork. Footwork is about as non-sport-specific as it gets, because the body is not really moving at speeds seen in sport, hence the low joint loads. If a full-speed sprint is performed, the body can be moving at 20+ MPH, which puts a tremendous load on all of the joints in the body upon ground contact. Which is a great training effect, but not as appropriate when the CNS is in more of a suppressed state because of the 2-day recovery weekend. Remember when executing a full speed sprint, the leg moves at dynamic speeds through Recovery and Ground Preparation phases with a powerful stretch-reflex during Transitional phase on each stride. Many drills can express a similar limb speed and can be executed without the extreme joint load during the Ground Contact phase during a maximal sprint. Examples are drills like Linear Acceleration A-skip, with all 3 aspects – Rhythm Individual, Rhythm Continuous, and Power. Note that this day is heavy volume of those types of drills, especially with offensive and defensive skill players.

Another aspect to keep in mind for a CNS emphasis day is low-grade plyometrics. The concept of absorbing force, accepting body weight, and re-directing force during all athletic movements is discussed in great detail throughout Bommarito University (example, see Coaching Videos section with Foot/Ankle Preparation). This can be at extreme joint loading levels on maximal sprints, like seen on exercises like Resisted Linear Sprints, Pulley Assisted Over-speed Sprints, and Pulley Assisted Over-speed to Cut-Up Drill. It can also be expressed with extreme joint loads from a deceleration to re-acceleration phase – as seen for exercises like DB Backpedal to Forward Cuts, WR Cut-Up Drill, and all Acceleration-Deceleration Zones. With all Change Of Direction (COD) drills, the limb speed is great, as well as extreme joint loads. Setting the foundation for absorbing force, accepting body weight, and re-directing force can also be expressed WITHOUT extreme joint loading, which is the concept behind Agility ladder drills. These can be considered low-grade plyometric exercises that SETS THE BASE for advanced joint loading. These drills are performed as basic reflexive mechanisms, with utilization of both of the edges of the feet, and basic acceleration off of these edge-drills.

Another concept that can be extremely effective during the Monday CNS day is Power Endurance and Eccentric Loading drills. This is where drills such as the Slideboard series can be very effective. On the standard Slideboard drill of Lateral Slides, the eccentric loading into the basic stretch reflex into the lateral push can set the base for higher speed COD later in the week. The linear and lateral lunge series does a great job of loading the adductors and hip flexors in extreme joint angled positions. This type of eccentric work is valuable for really high-speed COD exercises later in the week where getting into low positions with extreme joint angles is a constant.

Note the main difference on the Training Script between the offensive and defensive skill positions is the application of the footwork drills. After a good round of overall footwork in the Agility Ladder, there is an application portion – technically a “burst sprint” out of the last ladder rung into a designated distance (typically 4-8 yards). The defensive skill players still need to work on hip mobility and pivots, so they will plant the first step out of the ladder, pivot and turn and sprint. The offensive skill players just need to maximize their first step acceleration in a linear fashion or a multi-directional fashion (angled first step off the edge of the foot into a linear sprint). This same type of system can be utilized with MicroHurdle agility, quick foot Rapid Response drills, or basic 2-step cone cutting drills.

Linemen typically do more linear training on Monday’s. This is because they typically have Tuesday’s off running to limit the overall pounding. Plus, the linear speed they train in is usually a much shorter distance, so they don’t need the Monday to prep the CNS for an efficient linear day on Tuesday (as compared to the skill position players). If they do any footwork drills, it is typically put into the CAMPS section in a much lower volume as part of the circuit.

• High Neural loads
• High Joint Loads
o Absorption Force, Accepting body weight, Re-directing force – high volume/intensity
o Continuous metabolic energy system development style of muscle prep, joint isolation, and overall mobility/stability
• Overall Training Volume – high

No matter what is constantly being argued in the profession about the necessity of linear speed training for football players, IT IS ABSOLUTEY ESSENTIAL TO OVERALL DEVELOPMENT OF FOOTBALL PLAYERS. Remember we are Performance Coaches, NOT football coaches. We are developing the CNS, developing the muscles and all of the muscle properties, developing energy systems, and developing joint integrity to withstand all of the forces across joints that will be seen in the sport/position. We are TRAINING MUSCLES, NOT RE-CREATING THE EXACT MOTIONS SEEN IN SPORT. The best way to get better at football is to play football. You can’t possibly “recreate football” in its exact sense during training. Even if you could, how much do you really want to continue to beat up the joints in the off-season by re-creating the exact same repetitive motions seen in football? As with anything related to Performance Training for any sport, the volume and intensity of each system needs to be intelligently periodized to maximize development and avoid overtraining. This includes volumes of loads places across the joints.

Think of it this way: if you run in a straight line full speed and get up to that 20+ MPH zone, there is extreme joint loads during all of the Ground Contact phases of each step. If you are moving full speed and then have to change directions, you are decelerating the weight of your body at that speed, adding in numerous additional joint forces across many joints, adding in muscle action of additional contributions of the Glenohumeral abductors and adductors, adding in additional challenges of stabilizing the foot/ankle, adding in rotational components of the femur, tibia, etc. – plus many more actions. While this is a necessary END-RESULT that should be trained, all of these sub-categories of what occurs during a change of direction can be trained and isolated individually to make the END RESULT of the actual full speed COD more efficient. Even if a drill that isolates one of these sub-categories doesn’t “look like the actual motion seen in sport”, doesn’t make it any less important to the success of this eventual END RESULT. Linear sprinting falls into MULTIPLE aspects of these “sub-categories” that will make a football-specific COD much more effective.

Here is one of MANY examples that relates linear sprinting to a football-specific COD: linear sprinting still has dynamic action of the hip during Recovery phase, a powerful stretch reflex during Transitional phase, dynamic hip extension during Ground Preparation phase, and lower-joint loading (but still effective!) during Ground Preparation phase, and high emphasis on limiting time in Residual Phase. The EXACT same phases of motion will occur on any stride coming out of a COD. Hence, training for linear acceleration will enhance each phase of motion that occurs when the limb is not in contact with the ground – developing more muscle action during these phases. This enhanced muscle action will make the phases more efficient on the step OUT OF the COD (and each succeeding step) – hence, making the overall COD a lot more effective.

Note in the Training Script that there are a lot of circuits built into the application side of this day. There is a heavy emphasis on Resisted work. Again, resisted work is not as sport specific as the actual sport of football (or free runs) because there is a longer ground contact. However, dynamic action of resisted hip/knee extension combined with the stretch-reflex in the foot/ankle joints while driving through this resistance is extremely effective at raising the threshold of stored elastic energy. This increased threshold will transfer to a more dynamic, free (non-resisted) run. Note there is a constant complex between varying modes of free work with resisted work. In a sense, we are raising the threshold, and then applying it. Then going back and raising the threshold, and applying it again. Then, repeating again. The key is the PROGRESSIVE VOLUME AND INTENSITY of the threshold-raising (resisted) systems versus the application (non-resisted) systems on a week to week basis; and periodized around weight room work so there is minimal interference.

Note that the Linemen are off on this Linear Speed Day. Typically Lineman really only need 3 days of active movement. And they usually benefit more to going every other day (note the Monday, Wednesday, Friday). The 4th day is primary upper body energy system development, usually set on Thursday. Because the linear speed training for lineman is usually much lower volume and much shorter distances, the neural input for this style of linear training is much lower. Hence, there is some of this linear training on Monday, with a low volume of linear on the other days (Wednesday – Position work; and Friday – Metabolic conditioning)

With regards to the skill players, note that the basic script for all positions that are not lineman are very similar with regards to linear speed. This is an aggressive script that can really maximize speed, power, first step acceleration, drive phase, transition, etc. There isn’t really too much specificity that can be between offensive and defensive skill players.

When getting in the “tweener” type players (like bigger, blocking Tight Ends; bigger, run-stopping middle linebackers; bigger LB that function a lot as DE in some situations) – it’s not necessary to have a separate script. It’s usually simplistic enough to just combine the scripts.

• Low Neural loads
• Low Joint loads
• CAMPS (CNS Activation and Muscle/Joint Preparation Systems)
o Low and unloaded
• Overall Training Volume – low
The great thing about being in the pool is that it will unload approximately 85% of the body weight. This allows for a lot of slow isometrics for overall joint mobility and stability in the CAMPS section.

The bounding and jumping plyometrics in this unloaded day is heavy volume. While vertical and horizontal plyometrics (long response and short response) is essential to peaking power, it really loads the joints when done on dry land. While this can be an effective training method, you really want to pick your battles in terms of volume with elite level football players. A good volume of vertical plyometrics can be appropriate in the weight room setting because of landing on a plyo box will lessen the impact of the land. On dry land, it can be much more appropriate to perform jumping and bounding plyometrics in the pool because the training effect will still be expressed without the excessive joint loads. Note in the Training Script that there is a plyometric circuit of vertical jumps complexed with horizontal split cycle jumps.

The movement circuit is mainly for power endurance. The power will be expressed because of the water resistance through the phases of the sprint cycle drills. And there is a good mix of loaded technical drills complexed with completely unloaded drills with no ground contact.

Sport Specificity
Note that the linemen typically will have success in performing their Position-Specific Day on Wednesday. Their “recovery day” will be a complete day off from all lower body field work on Tuesday. For the skill positions that hit field work on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, there can still be a good amount of work that gets performed on Wednesday – either a complete day off, or recovery work in the pool. One of the best aspects of regeneration is active regeneration – as demonstrated in this basic pool script.

The lineman specific day is usually best utilized as complex circuits. Note that the first circuit in the Training Script is a heavy strength endurance with standard Tire Flips, followed by a specific multidirectional movement in the Hoop Drills, followed by forearm endurance with the Farmer Walks.

Basic acceleration/deceleration zones in a linear fashion will be placed between the two circuits. The zones are short, but still play an important role in overall braking and deceleration forces. Even though it’s non-specific and linear, the overall muscle preparation of eccentric loading is tremendous. This muscle preparation will continue to enhance any specific multi-directional motion.

The final circuit is extremely advanced. The acceleration and deceleration zones are put into the specific Hoop Drills to greatly intensify the challenge of the deceleration and bending motions. The Back Sled Sprint is a strength endurance to continue to really focus on the knee extensors. No matter how strong the legs get through standard strength training, there is a tremendous benefit to transferring this strength to low bending positions when the knee extensors are overloaded. Even though this looks like a “Defensive Back” drill, there is definitely a transfer of “playing low” and “bending” in and out of a lineman stance – for both Offensive and Defensive Linemen. We’ve noticed more success in the succeeding rounds of the Acceleration/Deceleration Zone Hoop drills, even though the “fatigue” factor sets in. A lot of this success can be attributed to the Re-Directing of force and the increased threshold of the knee extensors seen in the complexing Back Sled Sprint drills. Trunk and Spine Power rounds out the second Linemen Circuit.

• High Neural loads
• EXTREME Joint Loads
o Absorption Force, Accepting body weight, Re-directing force – low volume/intensity
o Unloaded Speed – EXTREME volume/intensity
• Overall Training Volume – EXTREME

Note that the preparation for this session is extremely specific. Instead of performing a standard “warmup” or “stretch”, it can be much more appropriate to just prep the foot/ankle, and then spend a good period of activation, and simulation of movements. There is a full “Unloaded Speed Preparation” in the Coaching Video section of BPSU. This is the day that can utilize this entire script as a very appropriate preparation to the training day.

The Defensive skill players begin their day on the Training Script with the Back Lunge Series. This is the ultimate preparation system for all backwards motions. It really transfers well to BackPedal (BP) and AnglePedal-Weave (AP) motions because of the overload at absorbing and re-directing force at such extreme ankle dorsiflexed positions. The first BP/AP to change of direction (COD) circuit focuses on forward cuts. Because the Back Sled Sprint drill does such a good job of overloading the re-direction of force, it can be appropriately placed in this circuit as a complex. Remember that the forward cut motion relies heavily on the re-direction of force at extreme angles.

For defensive players, the acceleration/deceleration zones in a linear fashion will precede the final BP/AP COD Circuit, which focuses on Back Cuts – which utilizes more of a hip pivot than an extreme re-direction of force (as seen in the forward cuts). One interesting complex that is proven to be very effective is a few Assisted Over-speed Acceleration sprints that can conveniently precede the final circuit. Most defensive skill players (especially Defensive Backs) can benefit greatly from increasing stride length through this extreme horizontal plyometric-based exercise. There can be a tremendous transfer to the Back Cut series, because the sprint motion off of the hip pivot usually requires a full speed linear acceleration.

Note that the offensive skill players are setup very similar to the defensive systems. The same CAMPS system is used. The main difference happens upon the continued preparation. Note in the Training Script, offensive players now focuses on stabilizing the trunk/spine through rotation with the Single Arm Sled Marches. This is followed by absolute speed technical mechanics, and some general free acceleration sprints. Then, the first specificity circuit begins with heavy joint loading with inside-edge and outside edge change-of-direction (COD) drills with the Pattern Tree Cut-Up drill. A basic form is the single cut; with advanced challenges in the double cut. The same Acceleration/Deceleration zones as the defensive skill players are performed next. With the same concept – overload the braking and deceleration forces and intensify the re-direction of force into the re-acceleration. Putting a basic acceleration/deceleration zone on the front of it then intensifies the Cut-up drill series. The speed into the first cut will be at an extreme speed, which overloads the challenge of the edge cut. Note that the same Pulley Assisted Over-speed can be placed towards the end. Offensive players really benefit from performing a basic Cut-up off of the end of the assisted acceleration run.

One important point is that for any skill player performing an Assisted Over-speed run, there must be a great deal of preparation and limiting asymmetries in any joint. Not every player gets to this phase, even after a solid foundation is prepared in the 3 preceding macrocycles. If an athlete is ready, ensure that the day begins with stabilization of the trunk (most commonly used with success is the Single Arm Sled March). Because this advanced system of training is more commonly beneficial to offensive players, the day begins with this stabilization exercise sequence.

The Lineman on this day completely unloads their legs. This continues with the concept of running every other day. Since the heavy position day was Wednesday, the specific of linemen can now focus on the upper body. Remember that linemen are combat athletes. The endurance and power endurance of the upper body is one of the most underrated and under-utilized systems in their entire overall development of all combat athletes. The battle ropes is pure power endurance and grip endurance. The Tunch Punch will focus on hand speed, punching technique and power, and power endurance. The Landmine Jammer is resisted punching endurance and power endurance. And the Band Jammer is setup as the most specific in terms of the actual punching motion. The Band Jammer is also efficient at peaking power because of the accommodating resistance of the band.

• Low Neural loads
• Medium Joint Loads
o Absorption Force, Accepting body weight, Re-directing force – low volume/intensity
o Very specific and targeted muscle preparation, joint isolation, and overall mobility/stability
• Overall Training Volume – medium to high

There are varying forms of Energy System Development (ESD) that can be appropriate for football players from a metabolic standpoint. These are some efficient examples that can be used over the course of an off-season:
• Standard quantified and progressive interval training
• Varied quantified and progressive interval training
• Localized Strength Endurance
• Unloaded machine-based interval training or aerobic base development

The Training Script focuses on Localized Strength Endurance. This is an extremely underrated form of overall development for football players. From a football standpoint, it is not that difficult to develop and maximize the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Basic interval training the focuses on Power and Power Endurance in a fatigued state is important, but doesn’t’ need to be as much of an emphasis as many programs show. Further, much of this specific interval work is developed in the other days; even though there are speed and position drills. The work:rest ratio on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday dictates the varying energy systems to be developed; so it doesn’t necessarily always have to be replicated on the Conditioning Friday.

Think about it from this example: the Hip Extensors can get strong and powerful in the weight room, but what about repeated bouts of strength? Local muscular fatigue is very common in football; much more then simply “being out of breath.” For the strength to transfer efficiently, utilizing strength endurance exercises like basic Sled March forward can be very appropriate. When executing the Sled March, the foot is placed in from the of the center of mass, with the heel striking first, then the emphasis of moving the sled forward is placed on concentric hip extension. This repeated bout of controlled marching for specified distances is a great example of specific, localized Strength Endurance. Note in the Script that there is a progressive increasing load of increased distances.

For skill position players, there still is a good technical phase after CAMPS that is focused on acceleration and absolute speed. The linemen are more focused on resisted acceleration work in extreme joint positions (see the low sled push work). The linemen didn’t have a full day focused completely on linear speed like the skill players, so they finish up their volume of linear speed work before the conditioning starts. The skill players need more overall sprint volume in the week, so the high volume of technical drills works well on the Conditioning Friday.

This Training Script is based around one sample week of an entire macrocycle. Many examples are shown here about how to rotate from week to week. As with any intelligent weight room program, the volume and intensity and choices of exercises with speed and movement needs to be planned and periodized carefully. The theme of each day will remain constant. However the overall volume of the following aspects needs to be considered when building the overall macrocycle:
• Unloaded-joint training versus Loaded-joint volume
• Technical versus Application drills
• Time on each aspect of CAMPS
• Resisted versus Free (non-resisted) work
• Assisted versus Free (non-assisted) work
• Joint Preparation and Stabilization and minimizing assymetries versus Assisted work
• Weekly and overall volume of specific and/or multidirectional work
• Rotating the metabolic ESD emphasis weekly
• Volume of the various forms of ESD, and rotating the work:rest ratios – on EACH day, not just the Conditioning Friday
• Minimizing interference with weight room development
• Volume of Power to Power endurance work
• Volume of Strength to Strength endurance work
• Unplanned periodization changes based on readiness to train

This basic Training Script is a great start to a method for all elite and professional football players. It has been shown to be extremely effective at the elite high school, collegiate, and professional levels. However, as with any program – it’s the overall manipulation of the variables that is directly related to the success.

Combat Strength/ Endurance

At BPS combat athletes can be defined as any athlete that has to compete against another athlete with intense physical contact.  For example, wrestlers, boxing, all forms of martial arts, NFL lineman, and military/law enforcement personnel.  There are many facets of training that apply to these combat athletes.  It’s important that their training focuses on dynamic strength, power endurance, grip endurance, and reactive neuromuscular training (RNT).  The example program script is strength endurance, which starts with slower controlled variably loaded work with a strength focus. Then, we increasingly shift the focus to high volume endurance work with more advanced power endurance, grip endurance, and RNT.  Keep in mind, prior to this strength/endurance phase the athlete would have completed a general preparatory phase, intensification phase, and a dynamic strength/power phase.  The end goal is to have an athlete, from top to bottom, which is capable of great range of motion mobility, superior strength and power, and the capability to maintain all motions they perform for an extended amount of time.

College Football Movement

When periodizing movement training or “speed work,” BPS found its best to plan a 4-week mesocycle.  We take into consideration active recovery days, “off days,” neurological specific days, linear speed days, position specific days, and aerobic conditioning days.  Typically our high neurological days are on Mondays due to the fact that most athletes will be “off” Saturday and Sunday and it is important to stimulate the athletes neurological system into a heightened state.  We do this first thing in the week so we can enhance performance on our aggressive linear speed day and position day that will follow the “neuro-Monday”.  Wednesday is typically our active recovery day to allow the body to adapt from the training in first half of the week.  This will help our athletes get the most out of our position work on Thursday and conditioning work on Friday.  Each week progresses in volume and difficulty of exercises as well as intensity and specificity.

As you’ll see on the attached example 4-week movement mesocycle, our CAMPS are organized to complement the goal for the day.  The movement will be similar for certain football positions.  For example, defensive backs (DB) and offense wide receivers (WR) have neurological, linear speed, and conditioning days that are very similar.  Most neurological exercises performed by both positions are very similar and include all ladder drills, micro hurdles drills, and rapid response drills.  Although both positions will perform the “star drill” on some Mondays, they may do different variations.  For example, receivers may perform the cross over lateral run whereas the defensive back may do back angle pedals within the same “star drill” setup.  Linear speed training is exactly the same due to the fact that both position needs linear speed development and the training for pure linear speed doesn’t change based on position.  This same concept applies to conditioning days and active recovery days because our goal is to train muscles and human performance systems not motions.

However, our movement days vary between a DB and WR on “position days.”  These Thursdays are the days where we target and enhance muscles that will be used during sport related motions.  This does not mean we are DB or WR football coaches.  These WR multi circuits in the example mesocycle may target and enhance the strength of inside and outside edges of the foot through the overload principle by performing resisted “cut-up” drills.  On this same day, a DB may perform the snapioca drill, which increase the mobility and speed of the muscles that are utilized during hip pivots and back angle pedal change of directions sprints.

The lineman circuits tend to develop the musculature that lineman typically need due to the nature of their position.  You’ll see in a single lineman circuit in the example mesocycle the script can target grip endurance, low angle hip and ankle strength, as well as upper body power endurance.  These types of lineman circuits will benefit the lineman athlete more so than a linear speed day due to the role a lineman plays during a football game.


Given our success with the NFL Draft Preparation, one of our most common requests is preparation for football combines.  Obviously speed is a premium for any type of testing – as the 40yd dash has become the ultimate standard of speed in this country, specifically for football players.


The BPS philosophy has always been very simple – build a solid foundation of general strength and power, transfer it to more specific forms of dynamic strength and power and rate of force development.  This in itself is the best form of “speed training” there is.  In a sense, we’ve always had success in “training muscles, not motions.”  Build a foundation of muscle strength and power, transfer it, and then utilize it.


Building the foundation of strength and power is all of the work in the weight room.  The “transfer” is the drills that are found throughout the movement training database – like A-Skip Series, Moving claw series, wall drills, etc.  These drills are not so much form running, as they are taking the strength and power base of the muscles that was built in the weight room and overloading the threshold of the muscles at various dynamic speeds.  The utilization is obviously the sprinting and agility drills at full speed.



Building a solid foundation of Strength and Power in the Weight Room

Taking an athlete at a standard of 8 weeks of development to prepare for a testing day or combine requires very specific forms of periodization.  This will obviously change for each athlete depending on the individual situation – injury history, injury status, all-star game status, strengths, weaknesses, neurological deficiencies, asymmetries, etc.  Keep in mind that these will obviously directly correlate to the bench press rep test and the jumps.  But this is one of the MOST IMPORTANT aspects of getting athletes faster and more agile.  The following general periodization plan is a good place to start, with an understanding that modifications must be made:


WEEK 1:                GPP (General Preparation Phase)

WEEK 2:                Intensification

WEEK 3:                Conjugate Dynamic 1

WEEK 4:                Download

WEEK 5:                Conjugate Dynamic 2

WEEK 6:                Strength/Power Split

WEEK 7:                Power/Strength Split

WEEK 8:                Taper, mock tests

WEEK 9:                Combine


There are examples of each phase listed below.  Be sure to contact us directly or jump on our forum with questions and feedback.

Pain Management & Isometrics

  • From Ankle to Knee
    • 1st and foremost; Many ankle dysfunctions can lead to knee, low back, and shoulder pain/discomfort due to compensation patterns.
    • Many times we can correct ankle dysfunction building stability, which will allow the knee, back, and shoulders to return to “normal” function without the body needing to compensate.
    • Our support system prep exercise, specifically the back dorsiflexion series is great for increasing ankle dorsiflexion, strength, and mobility. When the exercise is progressed with more speed and more force put through the ankle join, the ankle adapts stronger. When the ankle is isometrically held in dorsiflexion the knee also flexes while the musculature surrounding the knee isometrically contracts during ground contact.  This important isometric contraction at the end, controllable, range of motion at the ankle joint, is the fastest method to gain strength. Decreased pain and discomfort for the ankle, knee, low back, and shoulder/neck area can be achieved when this base of support for the body becomes strong and less dysfunctional.
  • From the pelvis to the low back
    • Low back pain can stem from many factors such as anterior hip tightness and hamstring weakness. If hamstring weakness exists, the anterior hip musculature can “tighten up” and contract to prevent the hamstrings from entering a range of motion that the weak hamstrings cannot control.  Also, we must consider that the spine flexes, extends, laterally bends, and rotates.
    • Strengthen the hamstrings and posterior chain and allow the hips to relax and return the pelvis and low back area into “normal” alignment. This is our safe scientific reasoning to alleviate pain and discomfort.
    • Perform the hip bridge exercise with both heels on the floor moving into hip and trunk extension. Isometrically contract the posterior chain (glutes, hamstrings, lower back, etc.).
    • HINT – since we know the trunk and spine also rotates, modify the double leg hip bridge into a single hip bridge by raising one leg up during the time progressive isometric contraction. This creates a moment of rotation that the trunk and spine rotator muscles must isometrically resist.
  • From shoulders to neck
    • Shoulder and neck pain/discomfort may seem common. Many times we alleviate neck and shoulder pain by strengthening the musculature surrounding the shoulder joint and cervical/thoracic regions.  Strengthening these areas allows the neck and shoulder to regain support and “normal” alignment.
    • Use the alphabet to strengthen this area
    • Perform Y’s, T’s, M’s and W’s
      • Grab lightweight dumbbells or utilize one’s body weight and allow your arms to form these letters. The Y’s and T’s are typically performed in an upright position, whereas the M’s and W’s are performed in a prone position.
      • HINT – Maintain an isometric contraction of the scapular retractor muscles throughout the entire range of motion of your alphabet training


**For full video demonstrations of these abdominal exercises plus many more, sign up for our BPSU online university.  There you can listen to and watch coaching cues videos as well as have access to our entire database to build programs and get the best out of any athlete.





One of the most common ailments of people of all ages (athletes or the general population) is low back pain.  It is so common and causes so many issues that there is an entire specialty (Chiropractic) that is dedicated to this condition.  The reasons is because of the severity of what could happen if low back pain continues without treatment – pinched nerves, degenerative discs, arthritis, ruptured discs, etc.


Many of the most common treatments are – spinal adjustments, modalities, increasing flexibility/mobility of the hips, strengthening, etc.  Some of these can be very expensive – in addition to the degree of uncertainty that may arise when trying to choose a specialist that fits your situation.


In terms of treatment, some of the most basic and effective forms of correcting dysfunction are ISOMETRIC STRENGTHENING.  This goes well above and beyond traditional strengthening of the trunk/spine (like crunches or planks).  This can be a very systematic approach to providing great stability across the various spinal levels by ensuring that the muscles that attach to these levels are contracting properly.  In the pictures below, 4 key exercises will be demonstrated that strengthen the muscles that are involved in the 4 key motions of the spine:  FLEXION, EXTENSION, LATERAL FLEXION, and ROTATION.


Usually low back pain and the onset of any type of condition in the trunk/spine arises because the spine is inefficient at contracting muscles that are involved in one or more of these motions.  If one side is inefficient, the spine becomes unstable at that level and many problems could arise.  To combat this, it’s always a good idea to train the motions from an isometric standpoint in every motion:










Sets/Time:  Depending on the severity of your pain and your fitness level – can be 2-5 sets of 15 to 60 second holds


Advanced:  There are dozens of variation of these isometrics – standing, kneeling, split stance, squat stance, performing these band exercises while lifting, etc.


Also, different band tension and/or different force angles (how high or low your partner/trainer puts the band) will dictate the emphasis being placed on various muscles.


The great thing about these exercises is that they can be done with bands – which are inexpensive and don’t take up space.  And, they can be done from anywhere, even at home.  To be very specific about the cause of your low back pain – getting evaluated by a specialist can dictate which variations of these exercises should be assigned along with a progressive plan that can really aid in the reduction of common low back ailments – with a plan for the future to keep from reoccurring.  Bommarito Performance Systems has an entire staff of Biomechanical Evaluation specialists that can setup an individualized, long-term plan for you.  We can also implement and progress this plan in any one of our group fitness classes or boot camps!

3 Coaching Cues For First Step Acceleration

As with any human motion, an athlete first needs to accelerate whether he/she is walking, running, or sprinting.  This starts from the bottom (ground contact) making the foot and ankle (support systems) a prime factor for first step acceleration.  Keep in mind; the strength and mobility of the foot will determine the level of speed and efficiency for which the first step occurs.  Most of the time we are asked how to apply these coaching cues to a sprint so we will address this topic.


  1. The Ankle Stretch Reflex
  • Minimize the total time of stretch reflex between the ground contact phase and toe off phase of movement and you will maximize the power of the first step. Take the back foot in a 40 yard dash start for example: If you can cue (back ankle in the “locked” position) and train an athlete to have great ankle mobility while having a “stiff” strong ankle, you can decrease the athletes’ stretch reflex time and thus initiate a faster first step into the acceleration phase of a sprint.
  1. Arm Action
  • To initiate the first stride into a sprint or run you must simultaneously initiate an arm action. This mean the right arm must move forward very fast to quickly force the left leg into a forward motion acceleration stride.  Once the arm and leg reach the controllable end range of motion, the right arm will rapidly fire backwards (stretch reflex), thus making the left leg fire rapidly downward (stretch reflex) and behind the athletes’ center of gravity.  Therefore, cueing a powerful arm action stretch reflex will greatly increase the power of the first step acceleration stride.
  1. “JUMP OUT”
  • Saying this very loudly to an athlete prior to a sprint will stimulate his fight or flight response within the body. This response may increase adrenaline, a powerful chemical that will increase heart rate and deliver more nutrients to the muscles faster.  This will allow for muscles, especially the gluteal muscles, to more powerfully contract and directly increase the speed of the first step in acceleration.

**For complete instructional videos on exercises that can enhance the acceleration stride and more sign up for our BPSU online university and attend our Level 1 or Level 2 Workshops @

FINDING TRUE SUCCESS AS A STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING AND PERFORMANCE COACH – Transforming yourself from a “great trainer” into an ultimate professional

We were featured in a very interesting article in Forbes in in 2015 that was discussing our success with our NFL Draft Preparation program.  The “success” that was outlined in this article dealt with some aspects of the success of our clients – how well they performed at the pre-Draft events (like the NFL Combine, All-Star Games, etc.) and how well they did in the draft.  To our pleasant surprise, one of the main focal points of the entire article was the business side of this process.  The business side focused on the schedules, the accommodations, our dealings with agents and NFL teams, the operations, the performance/medical/nutritional/football skills staff, and most important – the finances.


This might have been the most popular and/or interesting media segment we have been involved with.  This is just purely judging on the extreme volume of questions, comments and requests for more information from our colleagues and fellow aspiring trainers in the industry.  And I was very humbled to find that the majority of colleagues that reached out to me about this specific article were collegiate and professional Strength and Conditioning Coaches – not just those in the private sector who might be attempting to set themselves up for this type of business venture.  And that’s when I really started to realize that many of the aspects I was discussing was not just great pieces of advice on a specialized business venture like NFL Draft Prep – it was basically a blueprint of success overall for both of my companies (BPS and BPSU) and for me personally.


As I reflected on my own professional career, I found myself consistently referencing the “transformation”.  The transformation into success followed a unique pathway:

  • Young, eager, hard-working “trainer” willing to learn from everyone and anyone about applied sciences
  • “Strength and Conditioning Coach” that started finding success with athletes and teams
  • “Performance Coach” who’s success with athletes and teams started forcing sport coaches, Athletic Directors, directors, and various employers to take notice of my skills
  • Young, eager, hard-working “professional” willing to learn from everyone and anyone – about business and operations in addition to applied sciences
  • A true Performance Coaching and Educational Professional


A good definition of a true professional could be anyone that can find a way to work successfully in this industry – but also have the financial security and freedom to live comfortably, support a family, and be a true mainstay for life.  Someone who can truly progress the applied sciences of the entire industry as a whole, but also be compensated appropriately for it.  YES – I understand that discussing money is a very uncomfortable subject, especially in this industry.  Understand that NOBODY should get into this industry BECAUSE of the money.  In fact, nobody should get into any industry because of the money.  The passion and inner drive for excellence because you truly BELIEVE that what you are providing is making a positive difference in the world – THAT is a reason to enter into an industry.  That is what makes it pure and genuine.  However, if what you are providing and supplying is in high demand – and that demand equates to a specific financial compensation – it is still pure and genuine.  Too many times people think that we’re in the fitness and athletic industry (which is highly dependent on the service of clients), that any discussion of compensation is too sensitive and makes