Basketball Movement Scripts


Within the sport of basketball, athletes will under go many movements that can be trained and enhanced.  The most obvious would be jumping, running, and lateral movements.  Some others may be back pedaling and arc running.  This script aims to develop all aspects of basketball movements.  Day1 focus on linear speed and fast footwork.  Exercises like bounding, sprinting (resisted and free), change of direction (COD) arc drills, and sprinting slowing down and sprinting again.  Day 2 multi-directional focus implements exercises to develop backwards movements, lateral running with COD, quick feet, single leg/ankle strength and vertical jumping.  Day 3 is a heavy lateral day involving the use of lateral shuffle drills, strength endurance sled work, lateral movements to COD with lateral and linear runs.  Always stick to the time allotted per complex and volume.  Modify exercises based on skill level and injury status.


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