Forward Multi-Directional


Arc Drill (quarter arc)

Acceleration / Deceleration Zones to Figure 8 (quarter arc)

1/2 Arc Run – Linear Sprint out

1/4 Arc Run – Raptor Resist

Fwd Multi Run – OL Pull

Fwd Multi Run (Trainer resist)

Fwd Multi Run to Linear Sprint (command)

Fwd Multi Run

Lat Shuffle (half speed) to Full Speed 1:4 Arc Run (short arc)

Figure 8 (1/4 Arc to 1/4 Arc) – 10yd Fwd Multi Run into

Quarter Arc Run to 90deg cut

Quarter Arc Run – 3pt Start

Half Arc Run – 3pt Start

Quarter Arc Run – 3pt Start (Raptor Resist)

Quarter Arc – wide (quick Lat Run into)


Zig-Zag Drill Series (hand touch)

Acceleration / Deceleration Zones to Cut-Up

Acceleration / Deceleration Zones to Jump Cut

Line Jump Cut Drill – Same Side (resisted)

Pattern Tree – Cut Up (Single Cut)

Pattern Tree – Cut Up (Double Cut)

Cut-Up Drill – inside edge (Assisted)

Cut-Up Drill (command) – outside edge, Assisted

Cut-Up drill – triple cut (Raptor Resist)

The concept is to cut at designated cones, yard markers or visual / verbal commands. The first cut is about a 45deg angle. On the second cut – try to angle back in to the start lane. Then the third cut is straight up field in that start lane. In the video shown, it’s a very challenging triple Cut-up: 45deg angles at 5-7 yard markers for the cut. If the client isn’t strong enough to project the body back into the start lane off of the second cut, then increase the distance of when to get back to the start lane (hence, making the angle bigger and less challenging).

Sprint to Cut-Up (Single Cut) Trainer Resist

Sprint to Cut-Up (Triple Cut), Raptor Resist

Sprint to Cut-Up, QUICK CUT

WR Route – Skinny Post

WR Route – Comeback

TE Route – Curl

TE Route – Skinny Post

Speed Out to full COD – Linear Sprint to 90deg cut to Sprint to 0deg cut to Sprint

Speed Out – Linear Sprint to 90deg to Sprint

Quick Speed Out (2-step) – Linear Sprint to 90deg Sprint

OL Pull – 2pt

Linear Sprint to Quick Cut to long Linear Sprint

Cut-Up (Raptor Resist)

Linear Sprint to 90deg cut Linear Sprint – breakdown (Raptor assist)

WR Comeback – Raptor Resist to Assist

Technical Mechanics

Fwd/Bkwd Multi COD Drill (Step, Step, Change)

Continuos Lateral Lunge

FWD Multi Sprint – Moving (Band Resisted)

FWD Multi Sprint – In Place (Band Resisted)

Sprint to Stop (Raptor Resist)

Pattern Tree – Cut Up (Single Cut – Raptor Resist)

AL – 2 out/1in fwd to Sprint to Speed Out (Raptor Resist)

AL – 2 out/1in fwd to Curl

Resisted Ankle Rexlex Inversion/Eversion; Hip Load

Resisted Ankle Rexlex Inversion/Eversion; Knee Load

Resisted Ankle Reflex Inversion/Eversion; Lateral Resist