Author: BPSUniversity

German Volume Training – Complexes Week 1-2

German Volume Training – Complexes Week 1-2

This bodybuilding type of program should be completed for two consecutive weeks.  This program puts into play building muscle (hypertrophy) through the principles of increased volume and increased time the muscle are under tension.  It is important to stay true to the rest times and the mode of exercise for best results.

Speed Box Squat


BPS is constantly publicizing the 4 main aspects of building strength – absolute, dynamic, high-speed eccentric loading and reversal and stabilizing.

The Speed Box Squat with variable loading is the ULTIMATE exercise in developing and maximizing DYNAMIC STRENGTH.  The variable loading is added because of the accommodating resistance.  Meaning that the weight will increase as the lifter goes through the squat up motion as the mechanical advantage decreases.  This will require a higher motor unit recruitment, leading to more efficient progressive overload.  In addition, the variable load allows the client to accelerate through the end range of motion of hip/knee extension; without jumping off the ground (which can be unsafe with a bar on the back).  This will help maximize the DYNAMIC STRENGTH concept.

German Volume Training (Complexes)


Adam Boily MS, MATJS, USAW

German Volume Training (Complexes)

Here are the main points to understand and keep in mind:

  • The structure – Each day begins with a corrective exercise designed to supplement the theme for the day. For example, if the theme of the day is upper body, you may begin with rotator cuff work. Second, you’ll notice the numbers next to the exercises. If two exercises are to be paired, you’ll see a “1” and a “2.”
  • Notice that each day works to build opposing muscles. The first two complexes are press focused while the second two complexes are pull focused.   Complete all exercises starting at the top and reading down for each day.
  • The main concept for building muscle with this style of workout is “time under tension.” This means the muscle will hypertrophy the more time it is placed under tension. We accomplish this with long tempos (i.e. 402), working 6 days a week as well as with high volume (i.e. 5×5). As the athlete becomes stronger/muscle grows, the more weight he or she can handle and the more the muscle will hypertrophy.

Slideboard Implementation Strategies for Football Players


This is a sample exercise that can be used to develop the muscles involved in changing directions without the loading and high impact of the joints.  When training football players in the off-season, it’s important to remember that some exercises are needed to just train the MUSCLES – without excessively stressing the joints.  And some exercises are needed that are more specific MOTION.  Highly efficient programs will have both

step1 step2


Click here to watch the demonstration!

Basketball Movement Scripts


Within the sport of basketball, athletes will under go many movements that can be trained and enhanced.  The most obvious would be jumping, running, and lateral movements.  Some others may be back pedaling and arc running.  This script aims to develop all aspects of basketball movements.  Day1 focus on linear speed and fast footwork.  Exercises like bounding, sprinting (resisted and free), change of direction (COD) arc drills, and sprinting slowing down and sprinting again.  Day 2 multi-directional focus implements exercises to develop backwards movements, lateral running with COD, quick feet, single leg/ankle strength and vertical jumping.  Day 3 is a heavy lateral day involving the use of lateral shuffle drills, strength endurance sled work, lateral movements to COD with lateral and linear runs.  Always stick to the time allotted per complex and volume.  Modify exercises based on skill level and injury status.


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Volume Training Workout


Adam Boily MS, USAW, MATJS

Intensification – Advanced Mass Volume

There should come a time in most training periodization’s, where increased volume is necessary to either reinforce corrected joint alignment, increase strength past current plateaus, and increase muscle size.

First, joint alignment needs to be set through an individualized program working to eliminate bilateral differences. Typically, medical and functional evaluations are utilized to identify such imbalances prior to training. Once imbalances have been identified, corrective movements are needed to achieve symmetrical ranges of motion (ROM) for all joints. After this phase is complete, our advanced mass volume workout is a great way to increase the muscle tissues ability to avoid reverting back to unstable joint ROM imbalances through constant correct reinforcement.

The amount of sets and reps (volume) of pulling, pushing, and lifting throughout this week is designed to increase strength and size. For example, with the floor press and belt squat utilizing chains, we can ensure the variable resistance throughout the eccentric and concentric portion of the lift will increase strength past current plateaus. The chains and bands will recruit muscle fibers to contract more as the rep ends and resistance increases.   Current max effort weight becomes previous max effort weight.

Some athletes require more volume than others. For them, we offer this type of workout. There may be an American football athlete that needs to bulk up such as a 215-pound linebacker that needs to be 230-pounds. Or you may have a power lifter that has reached a squat, deadlift, and/or bench plateau and requires this added volume, especially with variable resistance, to reach their goal of competing at a higher level. Always remember this workout is a template that can be modified to complement any sport. Take your workouts to the next level and mass volume train to grow your body and your potential.

Below is the advanced mass volume workout.

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BPS 6-Zone System – The key to maximizing Fat Loss Without Over-Training


Pete Bommarito, MS, CSCS, USAW, MATCS, MAT JS


  1. Quality over Quantity
  2. Convenient Training Schedule for Hectic Lifestyle
  3. Efficient workout that provides most “Bang for Buck”


As trainers, we are constantly fighting logistics. Logistics of how often a client can attend training sessions, the session length, and the maximum intensity that can be sustained each session. Hence, we are always trying to find the most efficiency for the allotted time. Most group fitness classes, Cross-Fit, or even athletic speed/conditioning sessions do a great job of working within a key energy system that make quick gains. However, if you limit your training to one or two energy system zones (even the key zones), you can never make maximal gains; and you will never be as efficient in these key zones. The BPS 6-Zone System allows for ALL of the cardio zones to be taken into account over a training cycle – obviously emphasizing certain zones, but never leaving anything out. This can be implemented into athletic programs or for regular fitness clients or groups. That’s the most intriguing part of this 6-Zone System – it can really apply to any fitness client or group at any level. The difference will be the mode of training or exercise equipment and overall intensity within the session. Also for athletes, the frequency of each zone per month-microcycle can change dependent on the sport and off-season phase.


Looking at the most efficient ways to maximize Cardiovascular Fitness, a full understanding of ALL of the energy systems is crucial. There has been an abundance of research and applied methods that is dedicated to the holy grail of “fat loss” and “toning”. The main thing to think about when breaking down research to put into training protocols is to understand the big picture. Research has led to a number of various concepts such as “High Intensity Interval Training”, “Fat Burning Heart Rate Zones”, “Power Endurance”, etc. All of these are great concepts, but only really work within a limited amount of energy system zones. While all of these concepts are good and effective, a training program can never leave out the big picture – maximize efficiency of ALL of the energy systems in a given microcycle, just have a specific EMPHASIS on a system that is personalized towards the ultimate goal and purpose.


Breakdown of the Energy System Development (ESD) Zones

Aerobic Capacity (AC)

  • Average Work:Rest Ratio – None, it’s more of a consistent long slow distance
  • Intensity – Low
  • With presence of oxygen
  • Improve peak oxygen consumption and associated cardiovascular functions to support endurance performance
  • Developing the “aerobic base”

Aerobic Power (AP)

  • Average Work:Rest Ratio – 3:2 to 1:1
  • Intensity – 40-60%
  • With presence of oxygen
  • Maximize the efficiency of the aerobic base via longer interval training
  • Maximizing the efficiency of the base

Anaerobic Lactic Capacity (ALC)

  • Average Work:Rest Ratio – 1:1 to 1:2
  • Intensity – 50-70%
  • Without presence of oxygen
  • Lactic – anaerobic glycolysis will be the primary energy source utilized
  • The shift of raising the the tolerance to lactic acid accumulation; the beginning of raising the Lactate Threshold (LT)

Anaerobic Lactic Power (ALP)

  • Average Work:Rest Ratio – 1:2 to 1:4
  • Intensity – 60-80%
  • Without presence of oxygen
  • Lactic – anaerobic glycolysis will be the primary energy source utilized
  • Raising the Anaerobic Threshold (AT) (the point at which lactate is produced faster than it can be removed)

Anaerobic Alactic Capacity (AAC)

  • Average Work:Rest Ratio – 1:3 to 1:8
  • Intensity – 75-100%
  • Without presence of oxygen
  • ATP-PC phosphagen systems will be the primary energy source
  • Maximize the ability to execute high power output exercises over a set period of time

Anaerobic Alactic Capacity (AAP)

  • Average Work:Rest Ratio – 1:6 to 1:20
  • Intensity – 90-100%
  • Without presence of oxygen
  • ATP-PC phosphagen systems will be the primary energy source
  • Raise the overall threshold for overall power output


Most people that do endless minutes on cardio machines are working in the AC and AP zones (yes, even if it’s done on the “interval” setting). Most group fitness classes work between AP, ALC, and some ALP (the more advanced classes). Cross-Fit is primarily the “Power Endurance” concept of ACC and AAP. The High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is the concept of maximizing the “fat burning zone” – primarily in the ALP to AAC zones. As previously stated, all of these are effective. However, like anything in the fitness world – it’s always best to think in terms of overall periodization and building blocks.


Of course the ultimate “fat burning zone” lives in ALP and ALC. Hence why you see the overall breakdown of the BPS Zone microcycle feature more than half of the overall volume within ALP and ALC. However, if you want to maximize the efficiency of each zone, you have to be efficient in all zones.

Implementing the Zones into a Specified Mode

This is where it gets interesting – motivating and coaching the clients to express the proper intensity in the assigned Zone. Specifically the most challenging will be to train at maximal or near-maximal intensity in the Alactic Zones. Note in the chart many of the AAC and AAP are very short bursts with a work to rest ratio assigned as in the chart above.


An example is Week 1, Day 1. Note it’s a Concept 2 Row machine with a work to rest ratio of 15 sec on and 45 sec rest (in this case, recovery). This is near-maximal intensity (basically go as hard as possible) is for 15 seconds. Then keep rowing, but go at a lighter intensity and slower pace for 45 seconds. Then continue to repeat these intervals for a given amount of time (as stated below in the breakdown – 10 minutes for beginners, and 15+ minutes for advanced. The key is to execute maximal intensity during the 15 seconds each bout for the entire duration of the workout. Obviously if your executing 15 total bouts, the first 15-second bout (maximal) will be more intense than the fifteenth 15-second bout (near-maximal). However, your intention is to move the row as fast as possible; even though the power output might be near maximal.


All of the intentions that need to be reflected by a specific intensity are shown in the chart (low, 40%, 50%, 60%, 75%, 100%, etc).


Heart rate monitors are an excellent mode to measure intensity and recovery over time – and should be recorded. For example above, the first time the 15s/45s system is performed, it will get the heart rate to a certain high percentage of max heart rate. And there will be a certain time that it takes the heart rate to get back down to resting at the completion of the workout. If this is 15s/45s is repeated at a later time, and it’s compared to the first workout:

  • More intensity should be executed for the 15s work bouts for the second workout
  • This increased intensity should be able to be done at a lower heart rate during the second workout (even though it will still be a high percentage of max heart rate)
  • The heart rate recovery will get back down to resting quicker after the second workout

Just like any style of training – records of progression is the key to ensure proper overload without overtraining.


The Monthly Breakdown

  • Microcycle – one month (4 weeks)
  • Approximate training volume – 3 days per week
  • 12 total workouts
  • Workout length
    • Beginner – 10 min Zones, 20 total minutes per day
    • Advanced – 15-20 min Zones, 20-40 minutes per day
    • 1-2 hours per week; 4-8 hours per month
  • Two Zone segments per workout
  • 24 total Zone segments per month breakdown
    • AP – 2 total Zones
    • AC – 2 total Zones
    • ALC – 4 total Zones
    • ALP – 8 total Zones
    • AAC – 6 total Zones
    • AAP – 2 total Zones


The Variations

The first thing to consider is the equipment and space you have access to. In an ideal world, you want to provide as much variety as possible. The variety should be machine based and non-machines. Machines can be very effective, as many machines greatly reduce joint loading (overall efficiency without overtraining and/or unnecessary wear on the joints). However, movement patterns can greatly enhance the overall intensity of the zone.


Notice that in the BPS rotation system, there are about 5 different categories of “machine” based modes:

  • Run – treadmills and specialized treadmills
  • Step – Versaclimber, Stairmaster, Stepmill, Box Stepups
  • Stride – Cybex Arc, Eliptical
  • Row – Water, Concept2
  • Bike – Upright, Recumbent, Spin


There are also 5 different classifications for Non-machine based modes:

  • Movement – intervals of speed, footwork and agility
  • Resisted SPE (Strength/Power endurance continuum) – DB, KB, Sled
  • Variable Load – Bands, Air Resisted (Keiser)
  • RNT – Reactive Neuromuscular Training with MB, Battle Ropes
  • BW and Suspension – body weight exercises in place or slow moving (like squats and lunges; Suspension Training (TRX)


Note in the chart, there is a frequency of total number of times in the given month microcycle. Each mode classification will be 2-3 times in the month. Consistently CHANGING THE STIMULUS will have a tremendous impact on getting clients to exceed a training plateau. It also keeps peaking the interest levels of clients because workouts will not become stale. However, it’s also extremely important to keep in mind that clients have to get better at a specific mode of stimulus. Don’t change the mode too often that they can’t actually show improvement.


The Final Step of Advancement – Incorporating Strength and Power

This is really the most important step, especially for any clients or athletes that are above the beginner level with regards to training. As there are 6 different energy systems, there are also 6 different variations of strength and power with regards to resistance training. It should be periodized as the ESD systems into a given microcycle. And, most importantly – it should be incorporated immediately after the ESD cycle. So a given day might look like this for the advanced client/athlete:


  1. CAMPS – 5 min
  2. ESD Zone1 – 10min
  3. ESD Zone2 – 10min
  4. Weight Room Zone 1 (Primary Complex 1) – 15min
  5. Weight Room Zone 2 (Primary Complex 2) – 15 min
  6. Auxillary Strength Complex – 5 min


In addition, consistently rotating between the “big 6” in the weight room:

  • Absolute Strength
  • Stabilizing Strength
  • Strength Endurance
  • Speed Strength (and all of its components to build the base of Power)
  • Power Endurance
  • Power


Note that some of this is addressed in the “Cardio ESD Zones” outside of the weight room like SPE (strength endurance and power endurance continuum with KB, DB, and/or Sleds). However, it needs to be addressed in the weight room as well – just not on the same day.


The great thing about this style of “back-to-back” type of workouts is that you elicit fat burning enzymes by working in specific ESD Zones. Once you stimulate this type of response, you weight room work will be much more efficient, in addition to the fact that you will continue to burn fat in the weight room portion. You will also prep the tissue much more efficiently during the ESD zones that will have a tremendous benefit in the weight room portion. As always, don’t think of it as a “warm-up”. Think of the CAMPS and ESD zones as stimulating the CNS, increasing the threshold for absorbing and re-directing force, and raising tissue temperature – all of which will make the weight room sessions more efficient.


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Any Running Back needs to be able to easily and fluently switch the ball from one arm to the next with ease. They also need to be able to stay low on change of directions, and change directions on a dime.

This drill first and foremost focuses on ball control. Note how our NFL RB clients Malcolm Agnew, Nick Hill, and Aaron Ripkowski moves throughout the drill. The ability to change hands is a trainable effect, and note how this drill forces the player to change arms efficiently.

The next focal point is staying low on changes of direction. Note with the cones as a target just focuses on bending at the knees with an upright torso position. This is a pure endurance drill that will train the muscles of the hips and legs in deep bending positions.

Finally, the changes of direction are sharp and crisp. Note the “positive” angles of the hips, where the emphasis is placed on the inside edge of the outside foot. This is essential to performance on the most difficult cuts a RB can make – specifically the “jump cut” that success is dictated by an athletes ability to get low and dip the inside shoulder – in almost the exact same angle as seen on each cone cut. The deceleration step off the outside edge of the inside leg sets up this hard change of direction off the outside leg. Perfect drill for utilizing both edges of the feet at extreme angles.

3 Rules for Youth Athlete Speed Development

Adam Boily MS, MATJS, USAW

3 Rules for Youth Athlete Speed Development

  • The Structure Rule

CAMPS – Before any training sessions, it is always important to have the structure of the training session outlined for maximal efficiency to maximize adaptations.  First, we need to increase the threshold ability of accepting and redirecting force for the ankles, knees, hips, trunk, and upper extremities.  This means, a well-designed CAMPS is vital for ensuring an athlete is prepared to execute the planned work for the day.  For example, start with SSP and progress from isometric modifications to full reflexive movements.  Once the base of support for the body is strong and tissue temperature is elevated, progress into SST that is skewed to prepare the muscles related to the planned movement or exercises of the day.

Application/Technical/Application – After an appropriate CAMPS muscle preparation, it’s recommended that the athlete begins the planned work with application first.  For instance, if the goal for the day is to increase the athletes ability to perform forward mutli-directional cuts (similar to a wide receiver in American football) we would begin by sprinting forward full speed then cutting diagonally at a 130* angle.  During the execution of the movement the coach can start to identify which aspect for the run and cut needs improvement from various vantage points.  After, 10-15 minutes of continuous application work, the coach can teach athletes a technical drill that is most appropriate for improving the application for the day.  For example, if more than 50% of the athletes in a group or training session are having issues executing an outside edge forward multi cut, the coach may elect to have the entire group perform the carioca quick step technical drill.  This drill is designed to overload the ground contact force on the outside edge of the foot and inside of the opposite foot.  Once the athlete has performed the drill 1-2 times correctly each direction, it is best to have the athletes finish the session with the same application forward cuts the sessions began with or progress to more difficult modifications of the forward multi movement.  A form of progressed forward multi cuts application could be visual and audible commands that force the athlete to cut based on an outside stimulus rather than a predetermined pattern.  If the most appropriate technical drill has been selected for a given group of athletes, more times than not, the second or final round of application work will be noticeably more efficient.  Progress the difficulty of the movement based on the athletes’ response overtime within the structure of application then technical work then application.

The end of the session can be sport specific by having the athletes sprint or do an application that closely resembles movement within their sport.  For example, a baseball shortstop player may choose to perform a sprint from a baseball-stealing stance.  Perhaps a tennis player will finish his or her session with lateral shuffles with change of direction to lateral shuffles.  Have a well planned structure and don’t stray to far from the planned volume of application work.

  • Technical Rule of Thumb

A very common technical drill utilized with BPS is our variations of the wall drill.  We chose either a linear wall drill, lateral wall drill, back lateral wall drill, etc.  It is typically progressed from isometric single switches to continuous reflexive rapid fire.  It is important that the younger youth athletes and/or beginners remain on isometric modifications.  For example, the isometric lateral wall drill is designed to overload and increased the foot’s abilities to accept and redirect force off of its inside and outside edges.  The fastest way to build a strong foundation of edge strength is to isometrically hold the lateral wall drill for 1-3 seconds facing each direction by switching the legs up and down 2-4 times.  Most growing youth athletes initially lack the strength in the edges of their feet and lack the truck stability necessary to expertly perform the lateral wall drill with reflexive rapid fire.  Technical drills should be performed only for a few reps during a given session since they are very taxing on the central nervous system.  Technical work is important for increasing thresholds for bodily structures and functions but must be supplemental to application work.  If technical work is consuming the majority of a given session, the benefits will not be realized during the application movements.  Technical drills are necessary to quickly improve application movements necessary for sport.  Always remember it is not appropriate to teach people how to form run with technical drills.  However, it is appropriate to improve movement efficiency by overloading and adapting muscle tissue.

  • Volume of Work Rule

Youth athletes require large amounts of volume.  An appropriate work to rest ratio should be around 1 to 2 or 1 to 1.  60-70% of a given session needs to be application work.  30-40% should be CAMPS, plyometrics, and technical work.  For example, on a backward multi-directional day, the first 10 minutes of the session should be specific CAMPS designed to prepare the body for backward multidirectional movements.  After a minute water break a good 10-minute plyometric routine should be completed and progressed based on skill level.  Again, a short water break may be given before the athletes start the first 15 – 20 minutes of application drills (i.e. back pedal or back angle pedals).  Chose between 2-3 appropriate technical drills while keeping in mind total technical work time should not exceed 10 minutes within this hour-long session.  Supper-setting 2 minutes of technical work with the application 3-4 times per session seems to elicit the best response for our youth athletes.  Finish the session on application for the last 15-20 minutes for a total of 30-40 minutes of application work during a given session.  Youth athletes respond and adapt well to large amounts of volume work since hormones are higher during that time of development.  Recovery and growth improvement opportunities are optimal if training structure, technical work, and volume levels are most appropriate.


Backpedal / Anlgepedal (BP/AP) Weave

BP COD to Sprint (180deg)

BP COD to Sprint (90deg)

BP/AP Weave to Back Cut (180 deg.)

W-Drill (Back Lat Shuffle, fwd cut 45deg)

BP/AP Weave to Forward Cut (45 deg.)

BP/AP Weave to Forward Cut (0 deg.)

BP COD to sprint Double Cut

BP/AP Weave COD to Sprint Double Cut

BP/AP Weave COD to Sprint Double Cut

BP/AP Weave COD to Sprint Double Cut

Back Pedal to Back Cut – 90 deg. to 90 deg.

AP V-Drill

V-Drill – AP Weave to Fwd Cut (Assist to Resist)

V-Drill – AP Weave to Fwd Cut

V-Drill – Back Angle Lat Shuffle to Fwd Cut (Resist to Assist)

Backpedal (BP) to Back Angle Lateral Run (BALR) – 180deg

Backpedal (BP) to Fwd Cut (45deg) to Back Cut 135deg (BALR)

V-Drill – AP Weave to Fwd Cut (Resist to Assist)

Backpedal (BP) to 90deg cut to 90deg cut

Backpedal (BP) to 90deg Cut

BP to 180deg cut to long Linear Sprint